
October 11th , 2024



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Deputy Lands Minister Urges Small-Scale Miners to Speak Out Against Galamsey

In a bold move to combat the devastating effects of galamsey, Deputy Lands Minister George Mireku Duker has called on small-scale miners to rise up and make their voices heard in the conversations surrounding illegal mining. This call to action is a significant step towards tackling the galamsey menace that has plagued Ghana for years.

The Deputy Minister emphasized the need for collective action, urging small-scale miners to join forces with the government to combat galamsey. He also highlighted the importance of community mining, inspectorate division of the Minerals Commission, and exploration for mineralized concessions in the fight against illegal small-scale mining [1).

*Government Efforts to Combat Galamsey*

The government has been working tirelessly to address the issue of galamsey. Recently, the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel A. Jinapor, delivered a keynote address at the 2nd Annual Two-Day Transformational Dialogue on Small-Scale Mining ¹. Additionally, the government has launched Operation Halt to combat illegal small-scale mining ².

*Challenges and Controversies*

Despite these efforts, the fight against galamsey has not been without challenges. The Minority in Parliament has accused the Lands Ministry of blowing over ¢10 million on national dialogues on galamsey, questioning the effectiveness of these dialogues in addressing the issue ³.

*The Way Forward*

The Deputy Minister's call to action is a timely reminder that the fight against galamsey requires a collective effort. Small-scale miners, community leaders, and citizens must work together to report galamsey activities, support anti-galamsey initiatives, and demand accountability from leaders.

By speaking out and taking action, Ghanaians can help protect the country's natural resources, ensure sustainable mining practices, and build a better future for generations to come.


³ The Herald Ghana, "Minority accuses Lands Ministry of blowing over ¢10m on national dialogues on ‘galamsey’"

¹ Sheila's, "Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Delivered Keynote Address"

² Government of Ghana, "GAF to collaborate with small scale miners to combat galamsey"

⁴ Ghana Web, "Let's Resolve Galamsey Challenges Dispassionately"

Meet the Author

Halima Baidoo

Content writer

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