
October 11th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

21 hours ago


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21 hours ago

The Ghana Public Relationship of Limited Scope Diggers, as a team with the military, has heightened endeavors to battle unlawful mining, especially on water bodies, as a component of the public authority's more extensive technique to safeguard the climate. As a feature of this activity, three Chanfan machines ordinarily utilized for unlawful gold extraction—aalongside other modern gear—were seized and consumed on the banks of the Birim Waterway.

The tactical's association in this enemy of galamsey activity follows the public authority's new declaration of the arrangement of military to brace down on unlawful mining exercises, explicitly in water bodies, under the upgraded "Activity End" drive. The cooperation between the Ghana Public Relationship of Limited Scope Diggers and the military is viewed as a basic move in tending to the unlawful mining hazard, which has seriously affected Ghana's water bodies and environments.

Col. Eric Tenadu, Leader of the Activity Stop Team, has reported that the tactical will remain positioned around the Birim Waterway and other designated regions for the following fourteen days as a component of the principal period of the activity against unlawful mining, referred to locally as galamsey. Col. Tenadu communicated positive thinking that the activity would prompt a critical improvement in the state of water bodies impacted by unlawful mining, expressing, "We are sending off this activity to ensure that we clear our water bodies.

Whether enrolled or unregistered, we couldn't care less; our anxiety is the water body; such a long way as you are near the water body, you are our objective." He added, "We are certain that the water bodies will begin to recapture their normal state." He stressed that reestablishing these essential water sources, which have been seriously dirtied by galamsey exercises, is a vital target of the team. The Activity Stop crackdown follows huge public strain, prodded by predictable media inclusion and backing from a few common society associations (CSOs) requesting dire government activity.

News sources and CSOs have been vocal about the ecological demolition brought about by Galamsey, calling for more rigid requirements and security of Ghana's regular assets. This mounting pressure constrained the public authority to convey extra military powers to handle the unlawful mining emergency, starting with area of interest regions like the Eastern District. The presence of military staff for the fourteen-day time frame intends to stop progressing unlawful mining exercises as well as keep excavators from continuing tasks.

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Kwame Fosu


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