
October 17th , 2024


Prince Manu

2 days ago


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2 days ago

Tragic Bus Accident on Kumasi-Obuasi Highway: Multiple Feared Dead

In a heartbreaking incident, a VIP bus traveling along the Kumasi-Obuasi Highway has been involved in a severe crash, leaving several passengers feared dead and others critically injured. The accident, which occurred in the early hours of the day, has cast a dark shadow over the busy route, renowned for its high traffic volumes and frequent incidents of road accidents.

Eyewitness reports indicate that the bus, which was heading from Kumasi to Obuasi, veered off the road at a sharp curve, possibly due to excessive speed or mechanical failure. The crash resulted in a head-on collision with another vehicle, instantly causing massive damage to both vehicles. Rescue efforts were immediately mobilized, with emergency services arriving on the scene to pull victims from the wreckage. However, due to the severity of the impact, the death toll is expected to rise.

This tragic event highlights the ongoing challenges of road safety in Ghana, where traffic accidents have become a common occurrence, particularly on highways such as Kumasi-Obuasi. The road, while a vital connection between two major economic hubs, has been notorious for its hazardous conditions, including poor road markings, narrow lanes, and frequent reckless driving, all contributing to a high accident rate.

Officials from the National Road Safety Commission have long advocated for stricter enforcement of traffic regulations on these highways. Speed limits are frequently ignored by commercial drivers in a rush to meet tight schedules, and vehicles are often poorly maintained, increasing the risk of accidents. The authorities are urging passengers to speak up when they observe reckless driving and encouraging transport companies to invest in the proper maintenance of their fleets.

As investigations continue into the cause of the crash, the government has reiterated its commitment to improving road safety measures. However, it is clear that without a concerted effort from all stakeholders—including drivers, passengers, transport companies, and law enforcement—such tragic incidents will continue to plague Ghana's roads.

The victims and their families remain in the thoughts of the nation, as Ghanaians once again confront the sobering reality of road accidents and the devastating toll they take on human lives.

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Prince Manu

YouTuber, Graphics designer, blogger etc

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