
October 16th , 2024



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Galamsey and Its Impact on Sustainable Infrastructure Development: Insights from the Chamber of Construction

Galamsey, a term derived from the Ghanaian phrase “gather them and sell,” refers to illegal small-scale mining activities that have proliferated across Ghana. While it is often seen as a source of livelihood for many, the adverse effects of galamsey extend far beyond the immediate economic benefits. The Chamber of Construction has raised significant concerns about how these activities threaten sustainable infrastructure development in the country.

 The Scope of the Problem

Illegal mining has surged in recent years, driven by high gold prices and a lack of regulatory enforcement. This phenomenon has led to extensive environmental degradation, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution. Rivers, which are crucial for construction projects and local communities, have been contaminated with toxic substances like mercury and cyanide. The deterioration of these vital resources directly undermines the foundations needed for sustainable infrastructure development.

 Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

Infrastructure is the backbone of any nation’s development, providing essential services like transportation, energy, and water supply. However, the unchecked activities of galamsey operators pose significant risks. For instance, roads and bridges built in areas affected by illegal mining often suffer from instability due to soil erosion and land degradation. Such structural vulnerabilities not only incur additional costs for repairs and maintenance but also jeopardize the safety of users.

Moreover, the pollution of water bodies impacts the construction industry’s access to clean water, which is vital for various processes, including mixing concrete and maintaining site hygiene. The subsequent rise in water treatment costs further burdens contractors and can lead to project delays.

 Economic Implications

The economic ramifications of galamsey extend beyond immediate infrastructure concerns. The construction industry relies heavily on consistent and reliable resources, including minerals and aggregates. The interference of illegal mining can disrupt supply chains, leading to increased prices for raw materials. These costs are often passed on to consumers, resulting in higher housing prices and stifling economic growth.

The Chamber of Construction emphasizes that sustainable infrastructure development hinges on a stable regulatory environment. With rampant galamsey activities, the uncertainty surrounding land ownership and resource availability complicates investment in long-term projects. Investors are likely to be wary of funding infrastructure initiatives in regions plagued by illegal mining, leading to a slowdown in development efforts.

 Calls for Action

In light of these challenges, the Chamber of Construction advocates for urgent policy reforms and a collaborative approach among stakeholders. Effective enforcement of mining regulations is crucial to curtail illegal operations. The government must strengthen monitoring mechanisms and impose stricter penalties for violators to deter illegal mining activities.

Additionally, promoting legal mining practices and providing training for small-scale miners can help channel efforts into more sustainable and environmentally friendly operations. By creating alternative livelihood opportunities for those engaged in galamsey, the government can alleviate poverty while protecting vital resources.


The impact of galamsey on sustainable infrastructure development is profound and multifaceted. It poses environmental risks, economic challenges, and structural vulnerabilities that can hinder progress in Ghana’s development agenda. As the Chamber of Construction highlights, addressing this issue requires a concerted effort from government, industry stakeholders, and local communities to forge a path toward sustainable and resilient infrastructure that supports the nation’s future. Without such initiatives, the ongoing struggle against galamsey will continue to impede Ghana's developmental aspirations.

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Jonas Amankwa

Content creator

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