
October 18th , 2024


Jesse Kwao

4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

As the 2024 general election approaches, Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin has issued a crucial reminder to Members of Parliament (MPs) to maintain a careful balance between their parliamentary duties and their campaign activities. This call for balance is especially important as the political climate heats up, and MPs find themselves stretched between serving their constituents and seeking re-election.
Speaking to Parliament during the Fifth Meeting of the Fourth Session on Tuesday, October 15, Bagbin underscored the importance of legislators remaining committed to their parliamentary obligations, even as the election draws near. While recognizing the inevitable pressures that come with election campaigns, Bagbin stressed that these responsibilities should not distract MPs from their core function—legislating and addressing pressing national concerns.
The Speaker's remarks serve as a timely reminder of the essential role Parliament plays in governing the country, particularly at a time when several key bills are awaiting debate and passage. According to Bagbin, the duty of MPs to legislate must not be relegated to a secondary priority simply because they are campaigning. Rather, MPs must approach their legislative work with the same vigor they apply to their campaigns.
Bagbin acknowledged that the campaigning period comes with immense demands, particularly for MPs who are running for re-election or working to secure new mandates. He noted that the time and energy required for campaigning can easily consume an MP's focus. However, he was firm in his stance that legislative work should not suffer as a result. "The legislative agenda ahead is weighty, and we must approach it with the seriousness it demands," Bagbin stated.
He highlighted a number of critical bills that require immediate attention, including the Environmental Protection Bill, the Parliamentary Service Bill, and the Parliamentary Transition Bill. These pieces of legislation are deemed to be time-sensitive and are expected to play a significant role in shaping the nation's future. Bagbin urged MPs to prioritize these bills in the limited time left before the election cycle fully engulfs them. He emphasized that decisions on these matters must be made without unnecessary delay, as they carry long-term implications for the country's governance and development.
In making his case, Bagbin noted that the electoral process, while vital to democracy, should not overshadow the legislative process. He argued that MPs have a responsibility to ensure that the wheels of governance continue to turn smoothly, even as they seek political office. In his words, "It is understandable that the demands of campaigning will pull your time and energy. However, it is critical that we balance these demands with our legislative responsibilities."
Bagbin's cautionary note comes at a time when the Ghanaian Parliament faces increasing scrutiny over its ability to handle the dual pressures of governance and electioneering. In the run-up to the 2024 election, the Speaker's call for balance serves as a reminder that MPs are first and foremost public servants, with a duty to ensure that their legislative responsibilities are fulfilled, regardless of their personal political ambitions.
Bagbin's address underscores the need for MPs to remain disciplined and focused in the weeks ahead. His call to action is clear: the campaign trail may be demanding, but Parliament's work cannot and should not take a back seat. As Ghana moves closer to the election, the balance between governance and campaigning will be a test of the MPs' commitment to their responsibilities as elected officials.

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Jesse Kwao


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