
October 19th , 2024


Elijah Jawu

3 hours ago


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Kramberger was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Kramberger spent her childhood (between the ages of four and eleven) at the seaside – in the bilingual old-Venetian town of Koper-Capodistria near Trieste. She finished four years of primary school there (Pinko Tomažič), and then moved with family to Ljubljana. There she completed primary and secondary school at Gimnazija Bežigrad.

Kramberger completed undergraduate studies in history at the University of Ljubljana, where she also studied archaeology, abandoning this latter when she became engaged in the literary field (1995). She enrolled postgraduate history studies in 1997 and was from then on until 2010 (when a university purge of critical intellectuals was executed at the University of Primorska)[1] a steady and active member of the university research, editorial and pedagogical circles in Slovenia. She obtained her PhD in 2009 in history/historical anthropology at the University of Primorska with a thesis entitled Memory and Remembrance. Historical Anthropology of the Canonized Reception.[2]

Kramberger took a position as a postgraduate young researcher at the Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (ISH) in Ljubljana. There she founded the anthropological journal Monitor ISH which was later in 2004 appropriated by others at the ISH, though the journal and its founding editorial board continued to publish the journal under the name Monitor ZSA outside the institution. After the transition changes, when lucrative and socially applicable science was placed in the first plan at the ISH, she has – among a dozen others – left the institution (2004), and moved with Rotar to Koper-Capodistria, where a new University of Primorska has begun. There Kramberger, together with Rotar, established the historical anthropology program from undergraduate to postgraduate level[3] in the Department of Anthropology. The program was accredited by the state and worked really well, as both teachers were liked by the students, and their classrooms always full, until the university purge in 2010.[citation needed]

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Elijah Jawu


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