
October 23rd , 2024


Edmund Gogah

2 hours ago


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2 hours ago

GAF to Media: Military Presence in Parliament Aimed at Safety, Not Political Intrusion

GAF clarifies that the military’s presence at the Grand Arena was solely for security purposes and had no bearing on parliamentary deliberations

      The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has clarified the deployment of military personnel to Parliament on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, following concerns raised in some media reports. According to a press statement issued by Brigadier General E. Aggrey Quarshie, the deployment was made upon a formal request from the Speaker of Parliament, Right Honorable Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, to provide security support. This assistance involved routine canine and bomb sweeps, which are standard procedures aimed at ensuring the safety of the facility. 

The statement emphasized that the military presence at the Grand Arena, where Parliament is temporarily sitting, was strictly limited to these security measures. GAF underlined that its personnel were not involved in any aspect of parliamentary proceedings, contrary to media reports suggesting interference. The military’s role, it reiterated, was purely precautionary to detect and eliminate any potential threats, such as explosive devices or harmful substances, in the chamber.

The GAF expressed concern over the spread of misinformation, warning that such false narratives could damage the institution’s reputation. It called on media outlets to act responsibly and verify their reports to avoid misinforming the public. 

The statement further explained that the Speaker’s request for military assistance followed parliamentary developments on October 17, 2024, when the Minority Leader had urged the Speaker to declare certain parliamentary seats vacant. Given the sensitive nature of the discussions and the public commentary surrounding them, the Speaker deemed it necessary to enhance security through routine sweeps.

As Parliament is currently meeting at the Grand Arena of the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) rather than its traditional location, the Speaker requested these sweeps to take place at the beginning of each parliamentary week, typically on Tuesdays. This standard protocol, according to GAF, ensures the secure conduct of parliamentary business and protects both lawmakers and the public.

The statement also included a request for cooperation from media outlets, urging them to avoid spreading inaccurate information. GAF emphasized its dedication to ensuring the safety and well being of all citizens, affirming that it will continue to perform its duties with the highest standards of professionalism.

In closing, GAF reiterated that the military’s presence at the Grand Arena was solely for security purposes and had no bearing on parliamentary deliberations. It assured the public of its unwavering commitment to safeguarding national security while supporting democratic processes through non-intrusive security operations.

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Edmund Gogah


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