
October 28th , 2024



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Parliament is an intellectual platform, not a boxing ring - NAPO tells 'unruly' NDC MPs

In recent debates, the National Association of Professional Organizations (NAPO) has emphasized the critical role of Parliament as a forum for intellectual discourse rather than a battleground for unruly behavior. This assertion comes in response to the increasingly aggressive conduct exhibited by some Members of Parliament (MPs) from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) during sessions. NAPO's call for decorum underlines the importance of civility and respect in legislative discussions, especially in a democratic setting.

Parliament is designed to be a space where ideas are exchanged, policies are scrutinized, and the interests of citizens are represented. It is the heart of democratic governance, where elected officials are expected to engage thoughtfully with one another. NAPO argues that when MPs resort to disorderly conduct, they undermine the integrity of the institution and distract from the essential work that needs to be accomplished.

The association's concerns are not unfounded. Recent incidents in Parliament have included shouting matches, confrontations, and a general atmosphere of hostility that detracts from productive debate. Such behavior, according to NAPO, can alienate constituents and diminish public trust in elected representatives. When MPs behave like combatants in a boxing ring, the fundamental purpose of Parliament—to deliberate and decide on matters of public interest—gets lost.

NAPO has called on all MPs, particularly those from the NDC, to uphold the principles of decorum and professionalism. They advocate for a culture of respect, where opposing viewpoints can be expressed without devolving into chaos. Constructive dialogue is crucial in addressing the myriad issues facing the nation, and this can only happen in an environment where all parties feel safe to express their opinions.

Furthermore, the organization highlights the role of leadership within Parliament. Leaders must model appropriate behavior and establish a framework that encourages respectful discourse. This includes setting clear expectations for conduct and swiftly addressing instances of unruliness. By fostering a culture of civility, Parliament can more effectively fulfill its mandate and serve the public good.

The need for decorum is particularly pertinent in today's political climate, where polarization is rampant. The stakes are high, and the decisions made in Parliament affect the lives of millions. In this context, the ability to engage in rational debate is more important than ever. NAPO’s message serves as a reminder that the essence of democracy lies in dialogue, not discord.

In conclusion, NAPO’s call to the NDC MPs is a plea for a return to a more intellectual approach to governance. Parliament should function as a platform for ideas, solutions, and constructive criticism, rather than a venue for conflict. By embracing civility and respect, MPs can better represent their constituents and work collaboratively towards the nation’s goals. It is imperative that all members of Parliament recognize their role in shaping a productive legislative environment and commit to fostering a space where democracy can thrive through reasoned discussion and mutual respect.

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Jonas Amankwa

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