
October 28th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

A day ago


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Have you ever met someone who always seems younger than their actual age? I know that I have always been curious—what secret do you keep?

Although genes have a role, there is considerably more within our control than we could ever imagine. Certain daily routines have an impact on our perceptions as well as our youthful appearance.

Today, we'll look at five such behaviors.

Let's get started.

1) They workout.

You knew it was coming, right?

Well, it is here for a good cause.

Dr. Linda Fried, dean of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, stated that "exercise is the closest thing we've found to a magic pill for combating the effects of aging."

Frequent physical activity not only keeps your body strong and balanced, but according to Healthline experts, it also boosts your humor, improves skin health, and helps reduce stress—all of which lead to a younger appearance.

Here are some tips to get you started if you're having trouble turning exercise into a habit:

Start small: You don't need to spend an hour every day at the gym. Start with 15 to 20 minutes of physical activity, such as yoga, a leisurely walk, or other exercises involving little physical weight. gradually increases the amount of time until it becomes a routine.

Discover something you like: The key to maintaining the physical activity routine is to keep it interesting. Choose activities that excite you, like swimming, cycling, or sea dancing. It will therefore seem more like a gift to your body than a punishment.

Make it social: You may make exercise more enjoyable and maintain your responsibility by working out with a friend or helping out in class. Additionally, social interaction itself has anti-aging benefits, reduces stress, and improves mental health.

The goal is consistency, not perfection. A small amount of daily physical activity may significantly improve your appearance and sense of youth.

2) They emphasize sleep.

Sleep was something I took for granted when I was younger. Late-night study sessions, staying up to binge-watch my favorite shows, or simply scrolling around social media till the early hours of the morning.

But as I've gotten older, I've discovered how important excellent sleep is. "Beauty sleep" isn't just a phrase; it's validated by research!

During deep sleep, your body enters repair mode, renewing and manufacturing more collagen to heal the damage caused by everyday stresses such as UV exposure. Natural collagen synthesis eliminates wrinkles and age spots, maintaining youthful radiance.

Getting adequate sleep (usually 7 to 9 hours each night) allows your body to heal and revitalize.

They effectively manage the stress. Stress is an unavoidable aspect of our lives.

However, our approach to stress management may have a significant impact on how we seem and feel about our age. Chronic stress affects not just your mental health but also your skin and overall appearance.

According to Healthline, stress can speed up the aging process by causing an increase in wrinkles, skin sequedad, ojo-bent bolsas, and even contributing to hair loss and graying.


People who dress elegantly tend to prioritize stress management. They find methods to regulate stress through meditation, yoga, physical activity, or simply taking time to relax.

4) They protect their skin from the sun. 4) I used to like spending time in the sunshine. Something so peaceful about lying in the sun and absorbing the heat. It was recognized as the best method for charging.

However, I did not realize the long-term effects on my skin until I learned more about the science behind UV damage.

According to researchers, UV radiation from the sun accounts for over 80% of visible signs of aging on the face, including wrinkles, fine lines, and dark areas with a decrease in elasticity.

While a little sunshine might improve our mood and vitamin D levels, excessive UV exposure accelerates the aging process significantly.


Here are some recommendations for protecting your skin while yet enjoying the sun's benefits:


Use sunscreen every day. UV rays may pass through clouds and reach your skin. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and include it into your morning routine, just as you would wash your teeth.

Wear protective clothes. Hats, sunglasses, and lightweight long sleeves can help protect your skin from direct sun exposure. Bonus: They make great accessories!

Seek Shade: Try to avoid direct sunlight during peak hours, which are generally 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you're outdoors, find a shaded area or use an umbrella for added protection. Find a shaded area or use an umbrella for added protection.

By following a few basic measures, you may enjoy the sun while keeping your skin healthy and young for years to come.

5) They avoid smoking.

I'm not proud to admit that I used to smoke. I knew it was unhealthy for my lungs, and I was also aware of how it stained my teeth. What I didn't know at the time was how much harm it was causing my skin.

As experts point out, smoking hastens the aging process by degrading collagen and producing wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps our skin firm and young; without it, it sags and develops fine wrinkles more quickly.

Quitting smoking was one of the finest decisions I made, both for my general health and for my skin. It wasn't easy, but with time, I saw a difference. My skin began to recover its vitality, and I felt better both inside and out.

Do you smoke? I know it's difficult, but it's never too late to quit, and your skin will appreciate it.


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Kwame Fosu


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