4 months ago
One of the most underrated blessings is waking up from sleep every morning . We mostly assume it’s automatic to be up and awake at sunrise. Falling asleep at sunset is neither your doing. If you doubt that, try setting an alarm clock connected to very loud speakers beside a dead body to see if the dead will rise.
Yet, waking up from bed every morning is a blessing we take for granted. There are those who also suffer from insomnia and it’s no joke. So when next you are able to take a nap, thank God for it because some have to take sleeping pills for that and yet sleep is not guaranteed.
It is only when you have been in a similar or exact situation before then you will be able understand what others actually go through in a day. It's only when you get to experience a day in the life of another person that you learn to appreciate them, their efforts and successes.
Another overlooked and downplayed blessing is leaving the house to take care of our daily businesses and returning home safely. You should note that it is also not also guaranteed because your life hasn't been programmed to work like that and it's just by grace that you go through a daily routine unscath,not forgetting that you are viable and prone to accidents but through it all, God makes it possible for you to return home safe. The reason you are alive at this very moment is just by “Grace”. You are not any better than those who died. Some embarked on trips and did not return but you also travelled yet made it back home alive and you think it's because you were on board a good vehicle or because you flew first class? My dear, snap out of that thought and be grateful to God for his mercies, guidance and protection. It is just Grace that has carried you this far. I'm bemused when we tend to regard covering short distances as automatic return trips because we feel the distance is not that far and as such nothing can happen , but let's not forget that someone died in their sleep, another was killed by a tree stump while sitting at her duty post. A car smacked someone in front of his/her house. So going to the market, going to school, meeting up with a friend are all possible death zones but God has kept you. Someone tripped and fell and that was the end of story for that person. Some also choked on their food and died.
Why am I saying all these? Well, often when asked to pray and thank God , I get baffled when people say they don't have anything to say or that, they have run out of prayer.
How! I mean how is that even possible?
You have eyes to see when someone is blind, another is mute but you can talk, there is the lame who can't walk but you can, you have a taste bud to taste but another doesn't and looking at all these you still can't find a single thing to thank God for?
Now picture this, someone suffered the same headache as you and they died of it but you took some pain killers and you felt okay, or you might not have taken any medication at all but you were just fine. Just so you know, someone died from stomach ache but you survived.
There are those who were born with various deformities that they did not bargain for but you are whole with no conditions and yet you are at a loss on what to thank God for?
Tell me who has suffered more grief than Job in the Bible, losing all your children and all that you have laboured for, but through it all the Bible makes us understand that even with what he(Job) went through, he did not in his grief curse God or sin against him. Therefore if such a calamity has not befallen you and you still struggle with giving God what is due him, then please think again. Because Emmanuel, God is with us.
I believe now when you go to church and the pastors says pray and thank God, you will not ponder about having a full cup but grateful that you even have a Cup.
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