2 months ago
Losing belly fat is essential for guys who desire a ripped set of abs rather than an ever-growing "dad belly." Unfortunately, belly fat is the most difficult type of fat to lose, necessitating a combination of a strict diet and the greatest activities to rev up your metabolism, develop muscle, and add an additional torch to your fat-burning engine.
We've done the legwork for you and put together six fantastic, no-equipment workouts for guys to eliminate belly fat.To have the best chance of decreasing belly fat, you should engage in some type of resistance exercise.
However, even if you don't have a gym membership or equipment, you're not without options. There are several wonderful workouts available that do not require any equipment and significantly increase your fat-burning potential.
The following are six of the most effective workouts for guys to decrease belly fat without using any equipment. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds at a moderate speed. Rest for 30 seconds before continuing with the following exercise. Build up to at least five rounds of the circuit.
1. Jumping Jacks.
Jumping jacks are a mild plyometric exercise that burns calories and warms the body. Power or cadence can be added to increase the metabolic advantages. While jumping jacks are insufficient as a workout, they make an excellent supplement to a fat-loss circuit.
Stand with your arms at your sides.
Jump up and extend your legs wide while reaching your hands out to the side and upward.
Land with your arms up and your feet spread wide.
Quickly get out of the position and back to the starting position.
Repeat as rapidly as possible while keeping a proper beat.
2. Sprints
Many individuals do not see sprinting as a resistance workout. While running and jogging in general are insufficient stimulus for muscle development or significant post-exercise metabolic boosts, sprinting is an exception.
Sprints are an all-out effort to cover shorter distances and then rest. The idea is to maximally work your muscles with speed, causing your body to use anaerobic energy rather than "cardio." This degree of intensity burns calories after exercise while also building skeletal muscle.
Raise your knees as high as possible on the stride leg and push off with the grounded foot.
Rather than reaching with your front leg, press your foot down into the earth.
Aim for a high stride rate rather than increasing the space between strides.
As part of the circuit, run three 50-meter sprints with a 10-second rest period before moving on to the next exercise.
The squat is next on our list of the best workouts for guys to lose abdominal fat. Whether you have access to equipment or not, squats should be included in your training routine. For the 30-second interval, perform bodyweight squats in a rhythmic motion.
Start with your feet wider than shoulder width apart.
Sit back and down, hinging at the waist and bending your knees.
Push through both feet to return to the starting position.
If bodyweight squats are too simple, incorporate a hop at the top of each repetition.
If you become tired of doing jump squats, you may switch to conventional squats.
There's a reason why pushups are incorporated in almost every military fitness training routine. Pushups are a simple exercise that works your entire anterior chain. The chest and shoulders are the primary emphasis. To avoid drooping hips, your core and lower body muscles must engage isometrically. Despite the fact that you focus on the upper body, this provides some additional training in those regions.
Begin this exercise in a plank posture, with your hands beneath your shoulders.
Lower your entire body to the floor, remaining in a tight plank posture throughout.
When your chest, abdomen, and hips are slightly over the ground, push through your hands to return to your starting position.
5. Burpees
For a full-body metabolic workout without equipment, burpees are the greatest option. Burpees combine motions to provide a total-body fitness workout while also increasing explosive power.
Begin this workout by standing, then jumping up and reaching as high as possible.
As you land, absorb the impact by lowering into a plank posture.
Quickly jump out of the plank posture and bring your feet back beneath you.
Explode through both feet, jumping up and reaching again.
Drop down to the next iteration.
Lunges are the last exercise in our belly fat-burning circuit. You can do walking lunges or alternating lungs in situ.
Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Take a major step ahead with your right leg.
Bend your right knee and bring your left knee to the ground.
When your left knee is one to two inches off the ground, push through your right foot to rise up again.
If you're practicing walking lunges, bring your left foot forward to the following step.
If you're lunging in place, return your right foot to its previous position before starting the following rep.
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