A conversion from face-to-face classroom to online learning implies that
parents must balance between home school and family obligations. However, this
is not the end of the world, or the end of possibilities to achieve success
both, in school, and in life. In this post, you will find useful advice on how
to be organised, avoid much stress and keep all relationships healthy at home
besides attending education.
1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities
Define Your Academic and Personal Goals: Figure out what you want to get out of your college
education and what you would like to accomplish for your family, as you
start organizing your day.
Prioritize Tasks:
Priority matrices based on Urgent and Important mean help you choose what
needs to be done urgently and what can wait as you focus on what is
Communicate Your Goals with Family Members: Inform your relatives of your academic achievements
and plans so that behavior becomes acceptable and it would be much easier
for everyone to comprehend the given commitments.
2. Create a Flexible Study Schedule
Set Dedicated Study Times: When schedules must concern with the family routine
establish definite hours for studying and make students work consistently.
Be Adaptable:
Families should not interrupt studies but learners should be able to
allocate a certain measure of flexibility so that no hectic day comes in
between to disrupt a learner’s schedule.
Use Time Management Tools: Make use of weekly planners, calendars on mobile
phones, or organize a ticketing system such as Trello or Google calendar
to schedule a day and keep track of time for studying and time for family.