3 months ago
Essentials to a successful Prayer life
Lord teach us to pray -Luke 11:1
God answers prayers. Sometimes, when hearts are weak, He gives the very gifts believers seek. But often faith must learn a deeper rest , And trust God’s silence when He does not speak; For He who’s name is Love will send the best.Stars may burn out, nor mountains wall endure; But God is true . His promises are sure to those who seek.-Plantz
The Christian who would live the life that counts, who would be equipped for successful service, must not only spend much time alone with God in prayer but must make the most of his supreme privilege.
In all business relations, one must meet the conditions in order to reap the results . This conditions are what lead to a successful prayer life.
Condition one-Adoration
Condition two-Thanksgiving
How much thanksgiving do you think you mix in with your prayers? Paul says ,"In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Condition three- Confession
Do you confess to Him your sins in the spirit of true penitence? Daniel, the greatly loved, passed himself with his people, and seven times , in his prayer they confessed offenses of which they were guilty.
Condition four -Restitution
Condition five-Forgiveness
Did you ever ask God to forgive you for an offense while you were harboring in your heart a grudge against someone else? And did you expect Him to be so inconsistent as to do it ?
Condition six- Faith
We were told by James to "ask in faith , nothing wavering;" for says he of the one who wavers , " Let not the man think he can receive anything of the Lord."
Condition seven- Obedience
The promise is ,"if ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will , and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7
Condition eight- Definiteness
Condition nine- Perseverance
The world is strewn with men and women who are failures because they lack perseverance in pursuit of some chosen goal. Do not be like them
Condition ten- Submission
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