3 months ago
Fasting, it’s meaning , History and importance in Islam
Meaning of fasting
The Arabic word for fasting is Al-Sawm, which linguistically means abstention
Technically, the word means abstention from food, drinks, sex and other acts from dawn to sunset with the intention of worshipping Allah the Almighty
It’s history
It was made legally binding every muslin on the second day of the 8th month ( Sha’ban) in the year 2AH( After Hijra). The Quran states ,
"O ye who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous " Quran 2:183
Importance of fasting
Fasting provides diverse benefits for the servant of Allah, the Almighty, and society and they border on spiritual, social, medicinal and economic moral benefits. Indeed, when Islam introduced this matchless institution, it planted an ever-growing tree of infinite virtue and invaluable fruitfulness
Fasting provides man with a genuine sense of devotion and commitment because the act is for sake of Allah , the Almighty
2- In view of the fact that fasting is done in secret, it cultivates in man a vigilant and sound conscience
3- it helps one develop a sense of moderation and will power
4-Fasting In the month of Ramadan
is a unique , divine institution that seeks to help man acquire self control, self-assurance, maintenance of human dignity and freedom, and victory and peace
Fasting provides mankind with a transparent soul by which to ascend and attain spirituality; a clear mind to think with ; and a light body to move and act with. All this is the never failing result of carrying a light stomach. Medical advice , biological rules and intellectual experience attest to this fact.
5- It helps to master the art of mature adaptability. Fasting introduces a huge change in ones daily course of life . Yet the person adjusts with vigor and enthusiasm
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