2 months ago
Creating a healthy relationship with yourself and others leads to a fulfilling life. These prompts are an invitation to step inside yourself. Take a deep breath. Shuffle the deck. Pull a card. Write your heart out. Rupi Kaur
Relationships lead to a fulfilling life
with friends, family, a husband or a wife
let's not forget children, and grandchildren
and of course the great-grandchildren
Always a full life with an occasional bit of strife.
Rupi Kaur's Relationship Writing Prompt - The values I'm most thankful my family have instilled in me are _____________.
The seven grandfathers or seven teachings are taught at a young age and throughout life in much the same ways Christian values are taught. Sometimes you can be taught one value and do the opposite, as in an alcoholic family, you may be taught to be honest and in the next moment be told, when answering the door, "Tell them I am not at home."
The idea is in order to live a good life - mino-bimaaduziwin, you are meant to follow the seven teachings, to the best of your ability.
Humility - having humility for me was getting to a place where I could be more equal with others. To live life with others, not placing everybody above me or below me. Not living as though the world revolves around me but rather acknowledging everyones accomplishments. Finding my place and balance with myself and others.
Bravery - is symbolized by the bear. I am from the bear clan. When I think about the bear I think of the mother bear and how protective she can be of her cubs. The bear is known for teaching our people about medicine. Many of the bear clan know a lot about the natural medicines. They also know how to defend, rest and have fun. Balance.
Honesty - being honest with yourself is the most important thing here. Walking tall, while knowing what you have been given to survive and thrive. Walking through life honestly, not trying to show something you are not.
Wisdom - allowing yourself to learn and use your wisdom to live fully in this world, acknowledging your limitations. watching and listening to others. Looking forward generations and being aware of the environment and the importance of preserving our world for the future.
Truth - understanding my place in the world and applying that in the way that I live life. Some may say it is walking my talk.
Respect - honoring all of creation is to have respect.
Love - to know love is to know peace. I was told to look at people in their eyes and tell them I love you, without saying the words out loud and even though I may not like everyone, it is important to love everyone.
Rupi Kaur's Relationship Writing Prompt - Describe a quality that each of your friends have that you wish to embody.
Many of my friends have the promises from recovery. I wanted them and was willing to do whatever it took. And I got them too. The promises of recovery;
Promise 1: We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. Promise 2: We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. Promise 3: We will comprehend the word serenity. Promise 4: We will know peace. Promise 5: No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. Promise 6: The feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. Promise 7: We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Promise 8: Self-seeking will slip away. Promise 9: Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Promise 10: Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. Promise 11: We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. Promise 12: We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Rupi Kaur's Relationship Writing Prompt - What milestones do you wish for your closest friends?
To live the rest of their lives happy, joyous and free. To have the opportunity to see their children grown and happy, to know their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
To have good relationships with family and friends. To live long fulfilling lives. To be content in knowing they did their best and can leave this world a better place because of them.
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