
January 1st , 2025



3 days ago


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In the next few minutes, you’re going to become a certified genius.

Okay, maybe not certified, but at least wiser than the ordinary bear.

Now, before we begin, let’s get one thing straight: intelligence is a complex and multifaceted beast.

It’s like trying to explain why cats knock stuff off tables—you can’t do it right with a single answer.

So, keep in mind that these are just general observations, and intelligence is way too awesome to be confined to a neat little checklist.

1. Dressing Down Even if You Know Better

You’ve definitely seen that one individual who comes up to a posh event looking like they just got out of bed.

Newsflash: that’s not what brainiacs do.

So, if you’ve ever thought of disregarding the dress code, you may want to consider again.

Smarter individuals know when to wear the tux or the ball gown, even for a casual dinner.

A stud Scientific American discusses how what you wear can influence your thinking and negotiating skills, and even hormone levels and heart rate.

2. Poor Posture

Slouching like a wet potato isn’t going to make you the star of the party.

It’s like giving out a signal that says, “I’m too cool for manners.”

Smart cookies stand tall and convey confidence.

You’ll practically exude intellect with your immaculate stance.

An article in challengesst challenges common assumptions about posture and suggests that slouching may not be causing your back pain.

3. Nodding Your Head

Sure, you’re an exceptional nodder, but have you ever paused to consider whether you’re nodding off?

Nodding along without truly listening is like pretending to be in a Shakespeare play—it can seem beautiful, but it’s absolutely worthless.

Smart persons actively participate in talks, even if it means foregoing the nodding exercise.

Research published in ScienceDaily suggests that nodding or shaking your head may influence your own thoughts.

4. Jumping to Conclusions

If you’ve ever met someone who’s confident they know everything, you’ve probably also met someone who’s not winning any IQ prizes.

Intelligence is all about being open to new ideas and learning from your experiences. So, if you’re as obstinate as a mule, it may be time for a mental makeover.

An article in Scientific American discusses how people who tend to jump to conclusions often choose a bet in which they have low chances of winning instead of one where their chances are much better.

5. Smoking

Alright, don’t kill the messenger, but some persons consider smoking as an indication of inferior IQ. It’s like lighting your money on fire and declaring, “I’ve got money to burn!”

If you’re puffing away, maybe consider investing in a more brain-friendly activity.

A Reuters article discusses a study that found a correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and IQ levels.

6. Being Out of Touch with Reality

If you’re not quite sure whether the Earth is round or flat, we’ve got a problem. Being in touch with reality is sort of a huge thing. It’s like the cornerstone of intellect.

If you’re not there yet, don’t worry; you’ll catch up.

An article in Psychology Today discusses how perception can become a person’s reality due to its potent influence on how we look at reality.

7. Poor Interpersonal Skills

If your social skills are as rusty as a tin can left in the weather, it’s time to grease them up. Smart persons are compassionate, communicate effectively, and have that win-win mindset.

So, if you’re still perfecting the exquisite art of small conversation, hang in there. You’ll get there.

A research study published in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education explores the influence of artificial intelligence on learner–instructor interaction in online learning, which might be connected to interpersonal skills.

8. Being Overconfident

Remember that phrase from Bertrand Russell? “The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world, the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

So, if you believe you know it all, chances are you’re not in the genius club.

Embrace the doubt, my buddy.

Research published in ScienceDaily suggests that a person’s tendency to be overconfident increases if he or she thinks intelligence is fixed and unchangeable.

9. Lack of Curiosity

Smart individuals are like sponges, sucking up information from every corner of the world. They read, they study, and they can speak about everything under the sun.

So, if your interests are as restricted as a single blade of grass, maybe it’s time to extend your horizons.

An article on Experience Life cites studies showing that curiosity positively correlates with intelligence.

10. Dependency on the Internet for Intelligence

We live in the digital era, when the internet is a cornucopia of knowledge.

But if you can’t think deeper than a puddle and depend only on Google for your brainpower, well, it may be time to disconnect periodically.

The genuine nuggets of knowledge frequently emerge from inside.

An article on the World Economic Forum website discusses how the ability to quickly google the answer to just about any question changes how people perceive their own intelligence.

11. Poor Sleeping Habits

Are you a night owl who feels that early birds are merely boring? Well, a study says that night owls could be an indication of superior intellect.

So, if you’re burning the midnight oil, congratulate yourself on the back.

You’re in fine intellectual company.

A study reported by Psychology Today found that night owls generally have a higher IQ than those who prefer to get up early and go to bed at a reasonable hour.

And if you’re an early bird, that’s OK too!

12. Lack of Musical Ability

Even if you can’t identify a flute from a kazoo, don’t worry.

Musicians certainly have special minds, but you don’t need to be a maestro to be brilliant.

Just take up a tambourine, and who knows, you may achieve a new level of brainpower.

Even just starting to learn a musical instrument can change the neurophysiology of the brain and improve cognitive function.

So, there you have it, 12 pieces of evidence that you’re so bright or so “unintelligent” it’s practically terrifying.

If you’ve made it this far, congrats!

You’re officially a small bit wiser than you were a few minutes ago.

continue pursuing information, stay active, and simply nod your head… when it’s appropriate, of course.

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