5 days ago
The death of Shane Austin was a strange one. He was a cheater, someone who dated and sexed with multiple women (some even claim men) as he was known to be a sex addict. Oh how his poor addiction meant hurting those he loved, it was a vicious cycle, one he couldn't help but his exes didn't see it that way. In fact, he had dated so many people, that three ladies he slept with wanted him dead.
The first lady to say this was a coworker of his, they had bonded over a pint every Saturday night after work (they worked retail and the boss had them work that day every weekend, how fun!). She was called Claire Reed and she was a young shy girl of twenty one, naive and a bit afraid of the world, which meant she didn't know any better than to fall for Shane, who promised her assurance and safety from the horrors of earth, as in protection from creepy stalkers and such. A young lady of such beauty always attracted horny strangers like Shane; only he knew how to keep his cool and play his cards right. It really helped that the cheating man was fortunately handsome, which was unfortunate for his many victims. He led her on, that despicable bastard! Shane made her believe he was true husband material. That he wouldn't cheat, abandon or hurt her (he ended up doing all of those things). It was three months into their relationship when she caught him in the act, Claire was on a night out with her friends (as young girls do) drinking and partying, just having a good old time! Lovely, she only wishes Shane was there to protect her from the horny drinks that occasionally approached, determined to ruin not just her night but her friends with unwanted touching and the gross, sickly stinky of alcohol on these predators' breaths. Then, as if God had granted her a miracle she saw him! Shane Austin her lover! Oh my gosh, did he look dreamy in the neon strobe lights too! There was one big problem however, one that made Claire cry, then scream marching over to him in complete wrath! He was with another girl. She was a pretty little red head with freckles and to make matters worse, this lady looked younger and slimmer than Claire did too. She was well jealous and furious.
"You fucking cunt!" She yelled at Shane, who threw the redhead off of himself.
"Sh- she's just a floozy!" Shane stuttered.
"Excuse me?!" The redhead roared.
"I uh, I uh..." Shane looked around in confusion unsure of what to do, "I'm sorry!" He pleaded with Claire.
"I wish you were dead!" She wept, throwing her glass of wine all over Shane and fleeing the nightclub whilst crying her eyes out. Poor thing! What an asshole Shane Austin was, eh? But did he deserve to die (maybe).
The second woman to wish him dead was named Elizabeth Shaw and she was the polar opposite of Claire, because Elizabeth was a much older woman (closer to his age) and she was much fatter and curvier (but still sexy). He loved her big, bouncy breasts the most, 2nd was
her giant, round ass. Even her lips were big and luscious, he couldn't keep himself away from such a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) like that! Nobody could blame him, she really was pretty as a picture (despite her weight). Another thing that made her different from Claire was that she was confident and wise. The type of girl who wouldn't stand down from an argument. Although, that was also her flaw; she liked drama (or so it seemed) as this lady always found something to complain about. Perhaps that's why Shane cheated on Elizabeth specifically, he hated the arguments. Although, even if Elizabeth couldn't speak, he'd still likely cheat on her anyway because of his insatiable sex addiction. Elizabeth found Shane walking down the street in town one sunny morning, he was holding hands with some short, petite blonde girl that only looked about 18. He pinched her bottom and the young blonde giggled, then Elizabeth ran over and slapped the poor woman across the cheek! The blonde cried like a baby.
"Who's this then?!" Elizabeth shouted at Shane.
"She's nobody babe, just... A floozy."
"A floozy?!" The crying blonde screamed, tears streaming down her red, embarrassed cheeks before running away.
"You cheating bastard!" Elizabeth smacked him in the eye.
"Ow!" He groaned, holding his hurt eye.
"I wish you were dead!" She spat on the floor beside his trainers and turned away, racing off in a huff.
"I'm a sex addict!" He cried, "I can't help it!"
However, Elizabeth didn't feel sorry for him at all, not one bit. She matched away down a street corner.
The final suspect is the most interesting, as it was a guy who confronted Shane last (that's why some believe he liked men too). What happened this time, is that Shane was walking through the local shopping centre with his new 571st girlfriend, holding hands and giggling like always. This woman had her hair dyed green and was obviously into punk, what with her black make up and rock and roll attire with fingerless gloves. Shane had also gone out of his way to look the part too, he had even grown his hair out longer and styled it like an American rockstar. What happened, is that some man in a tracksuit approached the couple and began screaming; "you cheating bastard!" Out of seemingly left field.
"Who are you?!" Shane gasped in utter horror.
"A friend of a friend." The man replied sneering, he was a young fellow aged about 24.
"I don't know who you are!" Shane cried.
"Babes, who is this man?!" His punk girlfriend asked, holding him closer.
"I don't know!" Shane cried, "please leave us alone."
"He's a cheat, love!" The thug in the tracksuit said to her.
"No, I'm not!" Shane lied, defending himself.
"Sex addict this one!"
"It's a genuine problem..." Shane wept.
"Oh, but you wouldn't cheat on me, right?!" His new girlfriend winced.
"I'd never!"
"He already has!" The man winked, laughing, "you're better off dead!" Was his final remark before leaving the bewildered couple.
Now, if you've been paying close attention, you might've noticed two similar things between the last two suspects. That being, they both said; "you cheating bastard!" As if this mysterious man was parroting what Elizabeth Shaw had previously said and with that knowledge the police did some digging. It was a masked man who entered Shane's apartment building at night who killed him, beside the apartments in the car inside the parking lot was a four door silver car suitable for a family. The license plate was of course covered, but police were able to spot a heavy set lady in the driver's seat, waiting for her masked male partner to return to the car, they both drove off together and a week later Detectives on patrol noticed Elizabeth Shaw and the tracksuit stranger inside of the very same car. They were both arrested and it didn't take long for them to put two and two together. That it was these two who actually conspired together to kill Shane Austin. As for Claire Reed, it is believed that she was just another innocent victim to Shane's addiction. Considering this whole incident took place in the small town of Widnes, it is possible that Claire and Elizabeth may have known each other and planned the murder of Shane Austin together. When pressed for information, both Elizabeth and Shaun White (as the tracksuit thug was revealed to be named) denied even knowing who Claire was, although rumour has it that she and Elizabeth had been spotted near each other on a few occasions inside one of the local pubs. Nobody has ever confirmed that they were friends or even spoke to each other.
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