5 hours ago
A living is made 9–5; a fortune is made after 5.
This means that fortunes are made by people who work LONG hours. You cannot make a fortune and achieve great success working 40 hours a week. Successful people live unbalanced lives when they are first starting off on their journey to riches.
If you look at very wealthy people, don’t do what they do now that they are rich. Do what they DID when they were first starting off. In every case, they worked 80+ hours a week! They were obsessed with achieving their goal. They had a singular purpose. They had a magnificent obsession with a singular primary goal. They also gave up something they loved doing, temporarily.
I had a friend who loved golf. When we decided to do a business project together, he put his golf clubs away and made a commitment that he would not golf for 2 years. This way, he could focus on the goal. He hit his million-dollar income goal in 18 months. THEN he took the golf clubs out!
If you want to achieve great success, think about this. What is your PRIMARY goal? What is your singular objective? Is it clearly defined? Then think about what you are willing to GIVE UP temporarily, so you have the time and focus on that goal? This involved changing your current patterns of activities and routines.
If you continue to do what you always have done, you will continue to get what you always got. You must change your habits and routines. Get up at a different time. Work at the office longer. Eat lunch at your desk. Stay at the office until midnight and WORK on your goal! This is what winners do. Winners are doing what the other guys are not willing to do. Go to the office on Saturday. Stop watching your favorite TV shows; YouTube shows, or podcasts. CHANGE what you are currently doing. CHANGE the activities, and you will change your result.
Become obsessive with your dream! Go for it with gusto and enthusiasm. GIVE UP what you love doing. Only then will the universe KNOW that you are serious about achieving your dreams, and only then will the entire universe conspire to help you manifest your goals.
Successful people understand priorities. You cannot manage time. You can only manage your priorities.
Super high achievers do have common denominators.
They write down their objectives and goals.
They then break down that goal or objective into a series of action steps and write those down into a battle plan.
They plan their work and then work their plan.
They look at tomorrow and write, in order or priority, the tasks that they are going to work on. They make sure the tasks have a “start” and a “completion”. They make sure that they can take action on the cycle and complete it within a short period of time, usually less than an hour. This way, they start something and complete it. This gives them a win. This creates momentum. They do this by breaking everything down into small action steps. You eat an elephant one bite at a time.
You can do it. I will see you all at the top.
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