
March 9th , 2025



2 days ago


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“Love is a choice you make every day”

“Love” is a word that evokes many different emotions. For some, it is romance and fairytales, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. For others, it is a word that ‘hurts’, bringing pain to their hearts whenever they hear the word “Love”. One thing that is certain about “Love” is that it is a very powerful emotion, having the ability to shape our lives in every possible way.

Many believe that “Love” is a feeling that we have no control over. We fall in love, we fall out of love, and we can do nothing about it. In reality, we have all been ‘conditioned’ to believe this from a young age. Many of the Disney Princesses ‘fall in love’ with their Prince with a single kiss, and we grow up believing and wishing for this in our own lives.

If only this happened in real life

The reality is that “Love is a Choice”!

Like anything that is worthwhile having in our lives, “Love” takes effort and commitment. When we choose to love others at the beginning of every day, we are choosing to have a more Peaceful and a Happier day. This means making a conscious effort to put others' needs before our own. To put their well-being at the top of our list and to make ‘sacrifices’ that would benefit them.

But who are “they”?

The beauty of the word “Love” is that it can mean something in any ‘situation’. A mother cares for her baby even before he or she is born. For nine months, she eats and drinks carefully, carries herself in such a way so as to avoid careless accidents, and goes to all of those important hospital appointments. Then the baby is born and for the rest of her life the mother is caring for her child.

Isn't she beautiful

This is “Love”!

If the child is born into a ‘family’, he or she learns “Love” from mother, father, brothers and sisters. When mother and father are older, it becomes the child’s privilege to care for them.

This is “Love”!

When we meet someone we don’t actually know, maybe at a bus stop or waiting for a train or even in a shop, when we smile at him or her, we are showing “Love”. We want them to have a good day and a happy life. We do not know that person’s life or situation and that smile could mean more than we will ever know.

This is showing “Love”!

“Love” means accepting our partner, husband or wife ‘unconditionally’. We choose to embrace him or her as he or she really is, because we know that it is “who” they are and what makes them so unique and special.

The world we live in is so fast-paced with instant gratification being the norm, that we can forget that “Love” needs to be nurtured, worked on, and thought about.

The one thing we do need to remember is to “Love” ourselves for who we are. Look in the mirror and show “Love” to yourself by smiling back at yourself. Loving ourselves is not selfish but necessary to keep our Minds and Emotions Healthy, both of which support us physically.


How can we “Love” others if we do not “Love” ourselves?

The word “Love” means: 1) to feel deep affection. 2) To like or enjoy something or someone. 3) It is an intense feeling of deep affection. 4) It is a great interest and pleasure in something.

If we all choose to “Love” every day of our lives, we would live in a much more Peaceful and Happier world.


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