2 days ago
The challenges we face, are not meant to break us, they are opportunities to be welcomed, for under the pressure of these challenges it brings out the most primal part of ourselves, which can be on many occasions, the side of ourselves, that we may not have even known was there, and if we were un aware of such a side to our own individual uniqueness, than it stands to reason that others would most likely not be privy to the knowledge that such a side of us exists.
I have been processing my own shadows from my past for some time, and while this process is one that I don't believe can ever truly end, in this life, I feel intrinsically driven, to help others to overcome their own trials, by offering my own experiences and what has helped me to heal up to the point which I have.
Before my wife passed away, and actually before I had ever even met my wife, I had, since childhood, had an inner knowing that has never fully left my mind, it's almost as if I was born with knowledge that pertained to a degree, to how my life would play out, in a manner of speaking, and one of the strongest intuitive pieces of knowledge I possessed, was the one which told me that In The End, I Would Stand Alone.
This inner knowing, was something that I had been embedded in the back of my mind since I was a young child, and while back then, I didn't fully know what to make of such a profound feeling, as time has went on, I have lost family from this incarnation in numbers that are beginning to play out in relation to the feeling that I have had, in regards to standing alone. I must say that when you have an innate knowledge of something that can not be explained away as delusional, it makes you see the world in a much different way, but that difference is something that is good in the way that it allows me to hold hope in my heart, because even though I am aware that as it looks, I may very well be alone in the end of my life, meaning that I may very well be the last living child of my parents children, pertaining to my natural father, and natural mothers children, omitting my younger sisters that came later on, after my father re married.
I have always had a deep inner knowledge that I was not entirely like my brothers, and a majority of people I found myself surrounded with, and as time has passed and years have flown by, the differences that I had, in comparison to my brothers, was very noticeable. I was never like them in regards to behavior and speech which most men of that era would portray and say, because the major difference that I have in comparison to my siblings, is the drive and passion for spritualtiy, and living a life that is in alignment with not only my highest good, but the highest good of all those around me.
I found out later on in my life, that I happen to possess the INFJ archetype according to the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, and was quite intrigued when I began learning more about this, because what it said, explained how I am on such a detailed level, that I began searching in depth for whatever information I could find that pertained to discovering more about who I am, at the deepest levels.
I am also a manifesting generator, which explains why I happen to possess so much energy, as though I was gifted with a zero point energy generator inside my body, that allows me to transmute emotional energy into physical energy to be used in ways that help me to strengthen my physical form, as well as utilize this energy to enhance my spiritual, mental, and psychological states also.
The intention of this article is to simply say this, never let someone else tell you who you are, or what you are capable of, for when we do allow someone else to decide our worth, it depreciates and deprives our vision of not only who we are, but who we are capable of becoming in relation to our best potential self, and the journey of finding yourself at the core, is something that I highly encourage anyone who reads this to do.
The more we know about ourselves, the better equipped we are to maximize our potential, and make this world a better place, for ourselves, those around us, and the generations which have yet to incarnate on earth.
Never give your personal power away, and never lose faith in your ability to make the impossible, possible.
Brightest Blessings.
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