A day ago
The improving
heath of Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has been published and
among the millions of members of the catholic community who have been anxiously
anticipating his death, are the millions of the faithful that have been praying
for his recovery.
His hospitalization took place a few days after his fall with a
diagnosis of a respiratory tract infection. He was quickly hospitalized in the Rome’s
GemelIi Hospital on the 14th of February 2025. The Catholic pontiff was started
on non-invasive mechanical ventilation, which is helping him to recover.
The pope’s ailing health and his advanced age attracted much
speculation over his probable death and who next to replace him. But many bible
scholars maintain that if he is the false prophet prophesied by Saint John of
the book of revelation, he will not die! The Antichrist needs Pope Francis! He
still has tasks for him to do.
You may ask:
----------In what way will the Catholic
Pontiff serve the Antichrist?
And the answer is:
--------The way of preparing the church and the
world for his arrival!
1.---------- Are
there more unscriptural practices, rituals and beliefs to introduce, cultivate and
spread in the Christendom and the world in general?
2. --------------------------- Is
the world-corrupted enough to accept the lawlessness of the coming Antichrist?
3.---------- Are
people believing and relying more on the human, aliens and the robotic
processes and systems of the world and less on God?
4. -------------------------- Is
faith in Christ declining enough?
The answers to these questions are the expected
results the false prophet and all agents of the Antichrist need to achieve
before his disclosure to the world!
to the book of Revelation:
‘’A third beast comes out of the
earth’’ [Revelation 13:11]. ‘’This beast is called 'the False prophet"
[Revelation 16:13]. ‘’He makes an image of the Beast and forces people to
worship it’’ [Revelation 13:11-17].
The words of Christ, documented by
his disciple, Luke, says:
‘’But when the Son of Man returns, how many
will he find on the earth who have faith’’? [Luke 18:
--------Why then is Satan burdening the aged Pope Francis with
sickness? You may be prompted to ask? Can a house be divided and still stand?
Perhaps to keep the Pontiff out of the picture for a while,
while the other actors like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, President Putin, Barack
Obama and many others act out their final script roles in the end time charade
before the Rapture and the second coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Many men and women are
directly and indirectly marked as powerful and influential actors in the end
time charade.
Many, to lure and deceive the world.
Few, to comfort and
heal the elect of Christ!
And among these ---- What group are you in?
Many best-selling books have appeared, criticizing Pope Francis (See below Apple books). Are their criticisms warranted, or do they go too far? How are faithful Catholics to understand this pontificate, and what limits, if any, should there be on criticizing a reigning pope?
The sacred Pope Francis has been called the false prophet,
following estrange traditions, rituals and teachings he cultivated and inserted
into the Catholic Church community
Many of which he sold to other churches and religions of the
world. Author Karl Keating, in his book ''The Francis Feud'' noted that Pope Francis encouraged all
to make a mess. Do you need to wonder why he is called the
most controversial Pope!
Some Catholics like everything Pope Francis says and does.
Others think he’s tearing the Church apart. Some say he’s a breath of fresh
air. Others say he’s sowing confusion in the ranks.
---------And you! What do you think and speak?
Let the saints remain awake, holding firmly to Christ’s
teachings as His coming draws rapidly closer!
Thank you for Reading
Thiago Fava. [2025]. What Artificial Intelligence Knows About
Francisco: The Pope Who Defied Traditions.
Lindsey T. Gordon. [2025]. Pope Francis and Donald
Trump. https://apple.co/41p94mE
Karl Keating. [2018]. The Francis Feud: Why and How Conservative Catholics
Squabble About Pope Francis (Unabridged). https://apple.co/3DcU7MK
Edward Pentin [2020] The Next Pope. https://apple.co/4hhljYo
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