17 hours ago
This is an interesting and challenging story, in which the protagonist has to struggle between his reality and dreams. The story depicts creative risks, self-reformation and a deep message.
When Amay first looked at the sky, he felt that he could fly like a bird. Whenever he got lost in his books in childhood, the world of imagination would engulf him. His mother would often say, "Son, life is not driven by dreams, but by hard work." But there was a fire inside Amay, which was not easy to extinguish. To make his dreams come true, he sometimes started writing some of his thoughts in his notebook. When he wrote a little, he felt a different feeling. He felt that with the help of his imagination he started wandering in a different world.
He grew up, went to college, and there he met Tanvi. Tanvi was his complete opposite - practical, grounded and logical. She found Amay's dreams childish. But Amay could see the depth in Tanvi's reality. Their relationship was strange—a clash of dreams and reality. There was a difference of night and day in their thoughts, but still their friendship was unbreakable. And this friendship was getting deeper with time. After college, Amar got a job in a company. But he was not satisfied with himself.
One day Amay wrote a story, in which he gave a lot of space to his imagination. He wanted to send it to a big publisher. Tanvi stopped him and said,
"These are all useless things, Amay. In the real world, you need a job, you need money. No one can fill their stomach with dreams."
Amay felt a conflict within himself for the first time. Was he really wrong? Were all the dreams he had seen till now just castles in the air? But his mind said that if he did not try, he would regret it for the rest of his life. Tanvi, this is my dream. I get spiritual peace by doing this. Please, I need your encouragement for this effort of mine. I understand that your thoughts are different, but for the sake of our friendship, don't stop me from doing this. Ok Amar, when you have already decided, then I will not stop you.
Amay took a risk. He quit his job and started writing completely. For the first few months, he sent his stories to many publishers, but every time he was disappointed. His dreams, which were once full of golden shine, were now fading away. Money started running out, friends also turned their backs, and family members got angry.
He was shattered. One night he decided to burn all his incomplete stories. But then his mother picked up one of his old diaries and said, "If you yourself kill your dreams, then why will the world keep them alive?"
Hearing his mother's words, a new enthusiasm arose in Amar. He shook his soul. I am not defeated yet. I have to show the world that I was never wrong. I have to find my shortcomings. That night, Amay read his stories again, full of enthusiasm and passion. He realised that he wrote passionately but lacked practicality. He edited his writing, added a new vision, blended reality with imagination.
A few months later, one of his stories was published in a leading magazine. Then another. Slowly, he started getting recognition. One day, he got a call from the same publisher who had rejected him earlier. They now wanted to publish his book.
When his first book became a bestseller, Tanvi congratulated him, saying,
"You have proved that sometimes dreams can also become reality, if they are nurtured in the right direction."
"Yes, but to turn dreams into reality, one has to change oneself too," Amay replied with a smile.
Nothing happens in life just by dreaming. Taking risks is important, but at the same time, we have to change ourselves by recognising our weaknesses. The path to success is paved only when we learn from our failures and self-correct.
Have you ever had to change yourself to achieve your dreams?
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