
March 3rd , 2025


Oti Rubben

3 years ago


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Rihanna has said that she and Chris Brown have rekindled their friendship and that she will "always" adore him. 

Brown acknowledged to attacking Rihanna, his girlfriend at the time, on the night of the Grammy Awards in February 2009. 

He was given a five-year probationary period and was told to keep 50 yards away from the Umbrella singer.

"We've been working on our friendship again," the singer said on Oprah's Next Chapter in 2012. We've become extremely close friends now. We've re-established trust, and that's because we love one other and will probably always love each other. And it isn't likely to alter any time soon. If you've ever been in love, you know that's not something you can turn off. He was, I believe, the love of my life. He was the first love of my life. And I see that he felt the same way about me... it's not even about our relationship. He is someone I adore. So the most important thing to me is that he is at ease. I'm not sure if he's still lonely or if he's a little upset.""He's in a relationship of his own," the Diamonds singer stated when asked if they had rekindled their romance. Even though I'm single, we've maintained a good friendship since the restraining order was lifted. We've just been working on it in small increments, and it hasn't been easy. It's not an easy task."Rihanna confessed to Oprah that forgiving 31-year-old Brown was the result of mending her connection with her father, who was cruel to her mother. 

"I mended my relationship with my father," she explained. I was furious with him for a variety of reasons dating back to my 

childhood, and I couldn't separate him as a husband from him as a father."

"I thought I hated Chris and then I realized it was love," Rihanna said of her feelings for Brown. It appeared to be hate because it was filthy, angry, heated, and polluted. And I realized that I needed to forgive him because I still cared about him. And as soon as I let go of that, I began to live again." 

The singer also confessed that her primary concern following Brown's assault in 2009 was for him rather than for herself. 

"I was the most hurt," she said. "No one felt what I felt." It occurred to me...

"I felt guarded." I got the impression that he is the only person they despise right now. It was a strange, perplexing space to be in because, as angry, hurt, and betrayed as I was, I felt like he made that mistake because he needed help, and who would help him?" 

"I was more concerned about him," Rihanna continued.

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Oti Rubben

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