
March 4th , 2025


Gyan Eric

3 years ago


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1. Osun- Osogbo Sacred Grove in Nigeria

The sacred grove of Osogbo is one of Africa' s biggest unsolved mysteries. The sacred Osun Grove is located in the deep Osogbo Forest in Nigeria' s Osun State. Many old sculptures, shrines, and monkeys may be found here. This location is thought to be the home of Oshun, a Yoruba fertility goddess. In Africa, the development of the grove is still a mystery. Tourists are encouraged to travel with guides at all times.

2. Where is Cleopatra' s tomb? In Egypt

Cleopatra VIII and her lover, Mark Antony, were allegedly buried together in a tomb following their deaths in 30 BC, according to ancient sources. Plutarch (A. D. 45- 120) described the tomb as a towering and lovely structure containing valuables made of emeralds, pearls, gold, silver, ivory, and ebony, and was positioned near an Egyptian goddess Isis' temple. In Africa, the site of the tomb is still a mystery. Former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass " conducted excavations at a site near Alexandria today known as Taposiris Magna, which has many tombs dating back to the time when Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt, " according to a report from 2010.

While numerous interesting archaeological finds have been unearthed, Hawass revealed in a series of press releases that the tomb of Cleopatra VII was not one of them. Even if the tomb of Cleopatra exists, archaeologists warn that it may be severely robbed and unidentified.

3. How the Pyramid of Egypt was built

The workers were skilled and well- fed Egyptians who resided in a neighboring makeshift city. Excavations at the interesting site have shown a well- organized community with plenty of resources, which had to be backed up by a powerful authority.

Communities in Egypt are likely to have contributed employees, as well as food and other necessities, to what became a national endeavor to demonstrate the ancient pharaohs' wealth and dominance. However, the construction of Egypt' s huge pyramids remains a mystery in Africa.

4. The Seven- Colored Earth of Chamarel in Mauritius

It is a popular tourist destination in Mauritius' " Rivière Noire" district in the south- west. It is a little patch of dunes with seven various colors, as its name says. It is said to have originated as a result of a volcanic explosion. It' s surrounded by an 83- meter- high waterfall and huge turtles!

5. The Giant Blue Eye of Mauritania

The gigantic blue eye of Africa, found in Mauritania' s Western Sahara desert, is one of Africa' s unusual wonders. It' s also known as the Sahara' s eye.

It' s shaped like a blue circle and is said to be around 100 million years old. There are, however, some legends surrounding its formation. While some say it was formed as a result of an asteroid impact, others believe it was produced as a result of erosion or volcanic eruption. " A hole created when God flooded the earth with water in the days of Noah, " according to another set of academics. All of these accounts, however, have yet to provide a definitive explanation for the strange huge blue eye.

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Gyan Eric

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