
October 22nd , 2024



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2 years ago

President Akufo-Addo has shown that the nation’s arrive borders cannot be re-opened in see of the winning COVID-19 circumstance.

Tending to the nation on December 15, the President clarified that the re-opening of arrive borders may open the conduits for a 4th wave, and thus it is improper to do so.

“As you know, the choice to shut our borders, which are a source of livelihoods for numerous, was essential since we needed to restrain the importation of the infection into the nation. We are monitoring the level of the danger of the infection and progressing vaccinations in our neighboring nations, as before long as we are fulfilled it is secure to do so, the borders will be open. “Until at that point, I accept typically not the proper time to revive our arrive borders, particularly as we are decided to anticipate a 4th wave, and, as such, they will remain closed until encourage take note”, Akufo-Addo stressed. Amid his 27th COVID-19 address on Wednesday evening, the President too awed on Ghanaians to continue to stay to the important COVID-19 security protocols amid the Christmas celebrations.

Agreeing to him, this will minimize the plausibility of a surge within the number of infections, because it happened amid last year’s Christmas celebrations. “We ought to be guided by what happened last Christmas, where there was a sharp spike within the number of COVID contamination cases and passings within the prompt months of January and February, 2021. We ought to maintain a strategic distance from the reiteration of such a scenario after this year’s Christmas celebration”, the President prompted. In expansion, Akufo-Addo emphasized a few measures by government in managing with the pandemic. In this regard, he highlighted the extension of infrastructure “counting oxygen supply and reach, particularly with regard to testing and treatment centres, and the preparing of wellbeing experts over the nation, within the care of serious and basically sick people”.

He encouraged Ghanaians to profit themselves to be inoculated, whereas observing the particular security protocols endorsed by the Ghana Wellbeing Benefit and the World Wellbeing Organsiation.

Be that as it may, a area of the masses have communicated the see that vaccination ought to not be made ‘obligatory’.

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Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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