
October 22nd , 2024


Philip Kwesi

2 years ago


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2 years ago

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin says the decision of the First Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei-Owusu to count himself as part of the numbers forming a quorum while presiding over proceedings of the House raises procedural challenges.

Bagbin was speaking in Parliament on Thursday (16 December) in a formal statement on the rejection or rescission of the 2022 Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the government while he was away in Dubai, UAE for a medical checkup.

He said, “By and large, the reasoning of the First Deputy Speaker outlining the fact that he is not the Speaker, he holds his membership and does not lose his privileges as a member when he takes the chair can be said to be correct. 

“However, in so far as he takes on the role as the Acting Speaker of Parliament, his decision to be counted as part of the numbers forming a quorum raises procedural challenges.”

Bagbin added, “Honourable Members, although our Standing Orders are silent on this, many Standing orders and rules from several sister Parliaments provide persuasive rules which suggest that when Deputy Speaker’s or acting Speakers are in the Chair, whatever happens in the House is that officer’s responsibility and the Speaker cannot be called upon to overrule it. 

Similarly, the reverse is also the case that when a Speaker is in the Chair, whatever happens in the House is the Speaker’s responsibility and the Deputy Speaker or Acting Speaker cannot be called upon to overrule it

“However, Honourable Members, we are where we are because we need to make progress on this matter in a manner that is consistent with our laws, and ensures we are allowing the governance of our country to thrive.

“I’ll not frustrate government business”
The Speaker, however, reiterated his pledge to Ghanaians not to frustrate government business and to act in the interest of the country.

He said, “to conclude on these matters, let me reiterate my solemn pledge to the people of Ghana which I canvassed in my first formal communication to this House. I would not superintend over a Parliament to frustrate Government business.” 

“But, I will equally not preside over a weak House or be tagged as an errand boy of the Executive arm of government. This House is fully focused on discharging its mandate and will do so without any fear or favour, affection or ill-will in ensuring the ultimate best interests of the Ghanaian people are served.

The Speaker also charged the MPs to continue to strengthen the channels of communication, foster dialogue, encourage broader stakeholder consultation and allow the processes that the House has “adopted for our burgeoning democracy to thrive.”

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Philip Kwesi

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