3 years ago
The President of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, has placed a ban on laughing in the country for 11 days to mourn the death of the country's former leader who died 10 years ago.
Kim Jong II died on December 17, 2011, and as part of 11 days of mourning on his 10th anniversary, the President imposed a ban on laughing and anything that will cause laughter until the mourning period is over.
10 days of mourning are observed annually across the country to commemorate the former Supreme Leader of the country but one day has been added making it 11 days on his 10th anniversary.
Speaking to Radio Free Asia, a resident said even if a citizen loses a relative during the mourning period for Kim Jong II, he is not expected to mourn publicly. Birthday celebrations, according to the Speaker, are also banned during the mourning period.
“Even if your family member dies during the mourning period, you are not allowed to cry out loud and the body must be taken out after it’s over. People cannot even celebrate their own birthdays if they fall within the mourning period.”
The anonymous speaker also told the radio station that citizens who were seen laughing in the past and arrested were labeled as ideological criminals.
Such culprits, according to a report were never sighted again to date.
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