
October 18th , 2024



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The Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has shown that in conjunction with the Bank of Ghana, government will start a gold purchase program which is able to include the acquiring of gold from the little scale mining segment within the nation.

Talking at the lady version of the Mindful Little Scale Mining Grants, Dr. Bawumia uncovered that “after arrangement of considerations, the Bank of Ghana has been influenced to start this program which is reaching to be the primary of it’s kind in history”.

Concurring to him, when begun, ” the program will be a boost for the little scale mining segment as buys made will progress the nation’s gold saves”.

Bank of Ghana to start gold purchase from little scale diggers - Bawumia

The Bad habit President portrayed the mining grant ceremony as a memorable event which he is exceptionally glad to be a portion of.

He opined that he sees the grant to be something unconventional since “all as well frequently, our issue fathoming turns to center more on chasing and rebuffing off-base doers and not perceiving and fulfilling those who do right and this can be what makes this grant diverse”.

“The grant recognises players in little scale mining division who in spite of the allurement to connect the off-base doing bandwagon, have chosen to remain inside the significant regulatory framework for the nation and to work responsibly”, he clarified.

He advance expressed a number of ways that Ghana has profited from Little Scale Mining over the a long time, touting that he accepts Little Scale Mining has contributed gigantically to Ghana getting to be the driving gold maker in Africa.

“As we all know, Ghana’s Gold generation has expanded altogether over the past few decades making it the driving Gold maker in Africa. The commitment of Little Scale Mining to this drift is commendable. As of now, it is evaluated that the Little Scale Mining contributes almost 35% to Ghana’s add up to Gold generation and 35% is gigantic.”

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, in any case, cautioned that notwithstanding of the numerous preferences of little scale mining, in the event that the act isn't done responsibly, it can harm the environment. He subsequently called on the diggers to mine responsibly to assist spare the environment and the nation’s characteristic assets.

The Bad habit President moreover commended the endeavors of the division serve, Samuel Abu Jinapor and his two appointee priests for their authority within the normal assets division.

In his estimation, the serve has since his presumption of office brought a recharged approach to the method of finishing galamsey through assorted initiatives. In this regard, he cited an case of how the serve made a energetic supplication for the 3% withholding assess being paid by gold makers to be slashed down to 1.5%.

He went on to commend the coordinators of the program for working tirelessly to realize such a extraordinary deed for the mining segment and for Ghana.

He in this way utilized the opportunity to salute the champs of the different grants, saying that the grants ought to be a motivation to other diggers to do superior at their occupations additionally keep the environment secure whiles at it.

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Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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