
September 19th , 2024



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2 years ago

The Police have cautioned the leaders of the various religious groups to be measured in their prophetic expressions ahead of the December 31 watchnight administrations.

In a explanation, the service encouraged the leaders  to guarantee their predictions do not harm the proper of others and the open intrigued.

“We hence wish to caution all Ghanaians, particularly leaders of the churches to be measured in their expressions, particularly how they communicate predictions, which may inure the proper of others and the open intrigued,” a articulation dated December 27 said.

They clarified that in Ghana’s law, it could be a wrongdoing to intentionally send communication that's either wrong or deluding and likely to partiality or exasperate open peace where that person has no prove to demonstrate something else.

“We need to caution that beneath Ghanaian law, it may be a wrongdoing for a person to distribute or replicate a explanation, talk or report which is likely to cause fear and alert to the open or to aggravate the open peace, where that person has no prove to demonstrate the explanation, gossip or report is genuine.

Police cautions against predictions that cause fear and freeze ahead of watchnight administrations

Police cautions against predictions that cause fear and freeze ahead of watchnight administrations

“It is additionally a wrongdoing for a person, by implies of electronic communications benefit, to intentionally send a communication that's wrong or deluding and likely to partiality the proficiency of life-sparing or to imperil the security of any person,” the explanation included.

People found blameworthy beneath these laws may be at risk to a term of detainment of up to five a long time.

The police famous that over the a long time predictions of hurt, peril and passing by a few devout pioneers have deteriorated pressure and freeze among the Ghanaian society hence the reason to caution against predictions of such nature this year.

In the interim, the police said it is committed to guaranteeing most extreme security amid December 31 night benefit.

The service encouraged Ghanaians to be careful of the welfare of each other and act inside the law.

“The police wish to guarantee all devout associations that we are committed to guaranteeing the greatest security amid the 31stDecembernight, conclusion of year administrations and past. There ought to be no worries in this manner almost undertaking the different exercises,” the explanation famous.

The Police included that their activity isn't against predictions as they recognize that Ghanaians are devout individuals who accept within the centrality of God in their lives.

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Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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