
May 17th , 2024


Kukua Ghartey

2 years ago


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 Greetings and welcome to my blog page! If you have clicked on my article, then that means you are really fascinated about this topic. Let’s get right on it then. Life is a journey and no one knows how our lives would end. We only have to live it to the fullest. Is it possible to just do that, without having to worry about everything else? 

In today’s article, I have highlighted on some truths you must understand about life. Some of you might already know this, others might not. Let’s check them out below;

1. It is okay to say no:

We live in a world where kindness and humility is being trampled on. People do what interest them and would do whatever it takes to please them, without having any other person in mind. One way or another we have been in such a situation, where our kindness has been taken advantage of. I am here, to let you know that it is never a bad thing to say no. Sure, you love to serve others but first you have to look at the circumstance you find yourself in, before making a move. 

2. When people cannot control you, they judge you:

First and foremost, do you know who you are? If you do, then that’s great. You don’t need another person labeling you as someone you are not. Let them call you names but your opinion about yourself should matter most. They do that to try to break you and then get what they want from you. Definitely, some of the words would hurt you to the core, but stand firm on your grounds. 

 3There are no distractions when you mingle with great minds:

Everyone wants to be financially stable but some do not want to put in the work, but yet want to reap what they did not sow. If you find yourself in the company of great minds; that is to say ambitious people, they make you understand things you didn’t even know of. They prefer to find solutions to problems instead of focusing on the problem. 

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this topic.   

Meet the Author

Kukua Ghartey

Content writer

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