
October 22nd , 2024


Nana Kay

2 years ago


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2 years ago

*Why Is Russian Invading Ukraine?*


Let us start from as far back as the *Soviet Union * *(USSR)*. Soviet Union in simple terms is the coming together of different countries or republics to form one state. They were 15 countries in total that formed the Soviet Union; Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia Armenia, Kazakhstan etc. They were one of the most powerful states back then because of their military might. They began to invade different countries whenever they like. Part of it was the invasion of the Afghanistan which started all this ARAB terrorism in the first place like the taliban, Osama Binlanden etc.


Note: Russia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union, they used to be single state together sharing the same cultures, languages, and everything. As the Soviet Union began to expand and gain more military might, the USA, Britain became weary of them, they suspected one day Soviet Union will become too mighty and they will rule over the whole world so the USA, Canada, Uk and France came together to form a Military alliance called NATO. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The purpose of NATO was to join their military together and protect each other incase anybody attacks. For example, if you attack Canada, because Canada is part of NATO, other countries that are part of NATO will join their military together to come and attack you too. Unfortunately for Soviet Union, they scattered in 1991 and every country under Soviet Union became stand-alone. That’s why we have Russia, Ukraine and neighboring countries going back to be a *‘sovereign nation ’.* All of them got their own president and created their own system developed by themselves. But of course Russia was the biggest of the Soviet Union, in fact someone will argue that Russia is the main Soviet Union and the other remaining 14 countries just joined. Everybody went on with their lives but NATO that was formed because of Soviet Union did not scatter. In fact NATO began to expand more, more countries in te West and Europe began to join NATO. Now we have over 30 countries as part of NATO members. Now the table has turned, what the Americans and other countries were scared of back then is now what *Vldamir Putin* is scared of right now. He’s scared NATO will be too powerful and they might consume the whole *“Eurasia”* countries as well, which is Russia and neighboring countries, but he didn’t say anything for many years but the whole world knew Russia is not fully into them but they  just do trade together.


In 2014 or before then, Russia and Ukraine were not really good with each other. In fact Putin ( president of Russia) has always seen Ukraine as part of Russia. But one of the reasons why he wasn’t bothered is because thugs former president of Ukraine is a *“Pro Russian”.* But in 2014,  a protest happened and he was deposed and ousted as president. Putin helped the president to escape to Russia. The whole problem started with the new Ukraine president, he’s more like a Western Europe style president. He prefers the West and USA style unlike the ousted president who was a more “Pro Russian” president. This made Putin hated the new president of Ukraine. In fact he calls him a western puppet been controlled by the USA. To make the matter worst,  the president announced in 2021 that he would like to also join NATO. That decision made Vldamir Putin angry so Putin started the treats telling NATO not to expand anymore. One of the conditions he gave them for not invading Ukraine is that, “NATO should not take any more member countries and they must not accept Ukraine as a member”. That’s how we got to where we are now.

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Nana Kay


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