
March 4th , 2025


Isaac Asare

2 years ago


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Love we say is patient,kind,sweet and a good feeling which most times considered as wicked feeling by the masses as well. If i'am to describe this love feeling in a profound statement using a word or a phrase I could say love is  unconditional. Many at times we people or individuals tend to describe this feeling of love in a state or manner in which we found ourselves but I tell you,love is deeper and beyond our emotions as well as our circumstances. Situations and circumstances shouldn't define the true meaning and identity of love else this generation will continue to live in a mess or even than we ever thought or imagined. Unconditional love is what turns to define the true nature of love. Loving a thing or person unconditionally needs no condition. We are living in a dispensation where many turn to abuse and misuse the word 'love',in an era where love is expressed or demonstrated only on a condition. We are in an era where in love you means you need to do this or that to prove your act of love,this I disagree strongly. I'am much optimistic that by the time we are through with this article our perception on love would change and move in a dimension where love could lead positively. Manifestation of God's will solely operates in the presence of love. The absence of love in today's world is the reason to all the predicaments, hardships and the afflictions we see and until we bring back the love, the world as a whole will remain hard and harder. We continue to keep our faith dead in the absence of love forgetting that the absence of love will never build faith nor hopes either. How do you succeed in a business when you rob from your boss to establish a business of your own? Though you have hopes of setting up a business and believes that once you become your own very boss things might get better someday but you are forgetting that the absence of love that triggered the act of robbing will eventually destroy your faith and render all efforts and work in vain. The tendency to which love is expressed fully is through respect and one can respect only through obedience. Love commands respect which brings forth obedience hence the mathematical expression for love is directly proportional to obedience and inversely proportional to respect meaning it is through obedience that love is manifest on its fullness. Come to think of it,love songs are sang to compliment the beauty of it. Imagine how the world would have been if these songs are the true  reflection of what we hear and see from the stories that attribute love,these sounds and rhythms being played with regards to beauty and nature of love in our live are unrealistic. The mechanism that derives the mind towards the heart as expressed in its right sense of direction is the demonstration of love. Love we say is blind because it moves one to act beyond their boundaries. Yes! Love demonstrated in its fullness is the only reason Jesus Christ died for mankind in order to cleanse us from sins and to usher us into righteousness. Nevertheless,we ought to reciprocate the love through obedience and by so doing we turn to walk and operate in accordance with God's plan. The word of God states emphatically that he wishes above all things that may may prosper and be in good health even as our souls prospers. Prosperity and good health is what the lord wishes for his children, disobedience will always disrupt this perfect plan of his but when love sets in obedience is evident and power is unleash to take charge. Taking charge is the act of claiming your possession so that God's will come into light. In the atmosphere of love understanding precedes and that is the key reason to which husband and wife could live still death do them part. Love brings forth understanding while understanding brings forth forgiveness. The only way one can forgive someone is to be empathetic and that can be possible if you understand the person. In my opinion,I believe the reason why God forgives whenever we go wrong is because he was once a man,who live in the world hence he understands us than any other person will do. This I believe is tge reason to which he forgives us when even make confession. Nevertheless, the recent tension between Russian and Ukraine can be resolved through understanding. Both parties should understand and forgive one another no matter how intense the issue or the problem is,when understanding sets in forgiveness is brought forth. Thereafter the manifestation of God's plan is shown which is PEACE. In a nut shell, the world can be peaceful and better place to live in if love is demonstrated in its fullness. Where love dwell,a multitude of sin is covered and the will of God is manifest.God bless you for reading. Thank you

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Isaac Asare

Lab Technologist

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