
May 18th , 2024



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2 years ago


Control Freaks: Control freaks are those who are obsessed with controlling others.


Parents are irritated because their children do not follow their wishes. Wives are irritated by their spouses. Husbands and their wives Parents and their children.

We want our computers to work flawlessly, our cars to run smoothly, our jobs to be perfect, and everyone to agree with us and our way of thinking.

We expect everything to be done our way all of the time. And when we don't receive it, we get all bent out of shape. So many of life's troubles stem from our attempts to control others. We're turning into control freaks.

We all need to relinquish control of our life to God!    

Affirmation: Lord, I surrender control of my life to You, and I ask that You use me to help others.

He must grow, while I must shrink. (Luke 3:30)


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Why did God place us in this situation? To become more like Him!

What is God's personality like? LOVE is God. God is love's essential essence and Spirit.


We are on this planet to learn how to be like Him.

God never forces us to do anything. He welcomes us with open arms and never condemns or judges us. And He wants us to reflect Him and love others in the same way.

When we are eventually reunited with God in our Heavenly Home, we shall see how unconditional His love for us while on earth was.

In the meantime...Let's make an effort to be more like HIM!


Affirmation: Lord, I let You light through me so that I can benefit many people.


Allow your light to shine before men so that they may see your good actions and praise your heavenly Father. (5:16) Matthew

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Gifty's BlogGH

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