
February 26th , 2025


Stephen K

2 years ago


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10 Secrets of Hairdressers

You may be very close to your hairdresser or you may tip them very well, but there are certain things that a hairdresser cannot reveal to you. These are somewhat their secrets that they don’t share with their customers. Listed below are 10 such secrets

10. Celebrity hairstyle

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Yes, everyone wants to look like their favourite celebrity but not all of you have the head nor the hair to look like them. No matter how many pictures you show them, sometimes that particular hairstyle isn’t for you. These celebrities have expensive hairstylists, waxes, and so many other products on their hair before getting a new look. All of these are not available to you.


9. Exact measurements

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A lot of people complain that hairdressers have cut too much beyond your request. Well, it is partly your fault. You need to be exact with your measurements as to how much you want your hair cut.

Don’t be vague and say “cut a little bit”. Give them a solid number or show them how much to cut.


8. Value their time

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A hairdresser has a list of appointments per day. If you are scheduled for one, make sure you respect their time. Don’t be late and even if you are running late, let them know beforehand. Don’t ever skip an appointment, which is like a cardinal sin to the hairdressers. Being late only disrupts the hairdresser’s whole schedule.


7. Hairdresser, not a therapist

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Yes, these hairdressers would like to make small talk while they work on your hair. But that doesn’t mean you are going to talk about your whole life history to them. They become distracted and annoyed when customers do that. Keep your chitchats to a minimum or hair related.


10 Secrets of Hairdressers

6. No kids or pets

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A salon is not a place to bring your kids unless they are getting a service too. Having kids running around or constantly nagging you only distracts a hairdresser. It gets difficult to work with hot irons and chemicals when there are kids at your waist. The same goes for pets. Bringing pets to a saloon is illegal.


5. No phones

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 As soon as you sit for your appointment, put down your phone and don’t touch it unless you are done. By constantly talking over the phone or using it, your head is in constant motion which becomes a disturbance for hairdressers.

4. Take their advice

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When a hairdresser is asking you to use a certain product then that means they care about your hair and not because they are trying to make an extra few bucks. Your stylist knows what is good for you and you are actually paying top bucks for that service. So why bother going to a drugstore to buy some cheap products later on?


10 Secrets of Hairdressers

3. Tell your hair details

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If you are visiting a new hairstylist then you better be clear about your hair details. Let them know what kind of products you previously used. The chemicals applied previously and the nature of your hair. A hairstylist needs to know about such things before he or she can work on it.


2. Refer them

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There is a silent saying among all hairdressers, “If you like my work, let others know”. Hairdressers thrive on referrals. This is their only way of advertisement. If you happen to love their work and is satisfied by the service, then tell others about your hairstylist. It’s the least that you can do.

1. Don’t fail them

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You are somewhat a walking example of your hairdresser. However you look, is a reflection of their work. So it is up to you to not go too long in between colourings, let your hair get out of shape and so on. Make sure you give your hairdresser the chance to touch up on their work every once in a while. If you don’t feel like going, then you can always ask these hairdressers for tips regarding styling and finishing. They are always happy to help.

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Stephen K

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