
January 29th , 2025


Joseph Gad

2 years ago


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2 years ago

The Chinese government has once again demonstrated its technological prowess, this time in the realm of animals. For faster egg production, the Chinese implanted gall glands in other animals. This was revealed in a recent study released by China on Thursday through its press media.


According to the African Post, six cows were sampled, and by Thursday, the cows had produced ready-to-sell eggs, as part of global efforts to boost egg production.


According to Agriculturalist Phyllis B Moses, the transfer of genes from one creature to another is a natural process that results in biological trait diversity.








China Plants Chicken Organs In Other Animals For Faster Egg Production


The Chinese government has once again demonstrated its technological prowess, this time in the realm of animals. For faster egg production, the Chinese implanted gall glands in other animals. This was revealed in a recent study released by China on Thursday through its press media.


According to the African Post, six cows were sampled, and by Thursday, the cows had produced ready-to-sell eggs, as part of global efforts to boost egg production.


According to Agriculturalist Phyllis B Moses, the transfer of genes from one creature to another is a natural process that results in biological trait diversity.


This fact is at the heart of all efforts to improve agriculturally important species, whether through traditional agricultural breeding or molecular biology techniques.


In both cases, humans influence a naturally occurring process to generate organisms with desirable characteristics, such as food animals with a higher muscle-to-fat ratio or disease-resistant corn.


The main distinctions between traditional agricultural breeding and molecular biological gene transfer systems are speed, precision, reliability, and scope, not goals or processes.


Traditional, or classical, breeders combine tens of thousands of genes when they cross two sexually reproducing plants or animals in the hopes of creating progeny with the desired trait or qualities.


Each parent gives half of its genome (an organism's total set of genes) to its offspring through the fusing of sperm and egg, but the makeup of that half differs in each parental sex cell and hence in each cross.


Furthermore, because the desired qualities are normally inherited from only one parent and are controlled by only one or a few genes, numerous crossings are required before the "correct" random recombination of genes results in the offspring expressing the trait.


Unwanted features inherited from one parent of a new, better variety might often persist while desired traits are lost.


Classical breeding has its own set of challenges and restrictions. Some of these issues are alleviated by molecular biological methods of gene transfer, which allow the process to be regulated at a more fundamental level.


Scientists can insert particular genes for specific qualities directly into an existing genome, rather than relying on recombination of vast numbers of genes. They can also influence how these genes manifest themselves in the new plant or animal type.


In brief, by focusing on desired features, molecular gene transfer can reduce the time it takes to develop new varieties while also allowing for enhancements not attainable through traditional breeding.


Efforts have been made all around the world to improve products through genetic modification. Despite its success, several countries continue to refuse to accept genetically engineered foods.



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Joseph Gad

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