
February 28th , 2025



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 Build the Bridge to Communication


Let’s face it, men and women communicate differently. Some would even say we speak different languages. Never have we found this statement to be truer until marriage. 


When men communicate they often communicate with the "give them the meat, throw away the bone mentality." However, women often want the meat, the bone, the fat, the seasoning, the marinade, the cooking temperature, and the cook time type of conversations. 


Problems will arise in relationships / marriages if we don’t learn to communicate on a level that our significant other best receives from. Ladies, this means at times we must be okay with giving our men the short version of the story. 


Men, if your lady wants all the details, then we must be okay with giving her all the details. The struggle with communication is communication requires patience. We all come from different backgrounds and were all raised differently. Which is why we can’t assume the way we communicate is the same way our partner will communicate. 


Therefore, we need to learn to build the bridge to communication, so our communication can be unified. Have you ever asked your partner, “What’s the best way to communicate with you?” Some people shut down when the tone of one’s voice becomes too loud. Some need you to be extremely choosey with your words, while others need you to be direct with them. You’ll only understand the level of communication your partner best receives from through communicating with them. 


In Genesis chapter 11 when everyone had the same language, they could build effectively. However, the moment God confused their language, they could no longer build. We know this passage refers to God confusing their language because they wanted to build their name rather that His. This isn’t something we condone, however, there is wisdom to reap from this passage. 


When you’re in unison with your speech, there isn’t a goal you cannot reach. Most goals lay by the wayside because of misplaced communication.


LOVE YOU TEMINIKANSOSO @damilolabekes thank you for making home front sweet even in times of ups and downs.


I can’t even remember what you said that made me laugh this much.

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Elizabeth Havor

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