
February 27th , 2025


Yaa Anorbea

2 years ago


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If you haven't been on too many first dates, you may get caught up in thinking about when the best time to kiss a person is. Don't worry too much. Usually, you'll know when the time is right. If you've spent the date showing your interest and looking for interest in the other person, find a good moment near the end to try for a kiss. Be sure to respect the other person's boundaries before you decide to go in for a kiss.

Stare at the person's mouth. While this might seem a little silly, spending some time looking at the person's mouth can indicate you want to kiss them. Of course, you don't want to look at their mouth only, as gazing into their eyes is also romantic. Nonetheless, looking down at various points can help indicate you want to kiss someone. You don't have to continuously stare at the person's mouth. Short one to two second glances here and there should do.


Touch them gently. That is, as you are talking to them, find ways to touch them. This touch isn't necessarily a intimate touch. Rather, touch their arm or their shoulder as you talk, or move closer to them so your legs are touching. These small touches show you want to get closer.


See if they touch you back. As you find ways to gently touch them throughout the date, see if they reciprocate. If they're really interested, they may touch you back. If they pull back, they may not be as interested. Some people don't like to be touched, so you may need to be patient. Wait until the person is ready and seems interested.


Compliment the person. Tell the person you like the way they smile or that you find their humor charming. Everyone likes to hear nice things about themselves, and when you compliment someone, you're showing them you care. Try to give sincere, direct compliments. In other words, really pay attention to the person and figure out what you like about them. That way, you can give a compliment that's specific to the person. For instance, saying "You look pretty," is fairly general. Saying, "Your smile is so lovely. It lights up the room," is much more specific.


Watch their body language. If the person is biting their lip, they may want to kiss you. Also, watch to see if they're staring at your lips like you've been staring at theirs. That can indicate they want to kiss you, just like you were trying to indicate that to them. The other person may also play with their hair, hold your gaze, or even mimic your movements (subconsciously) as a sign they're interested in you.


Wait until the end. Generally, if you're going to kiss someone on a date, you'll want to do it at the end. This advice is particularly important if you are on a first date. If you've had the whole date to get to know each other, it won't be as much like kissing a stranger. Usually, a kiss acts as a goodbye.

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Yaa Anorbea

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