
March 2nd , 2025



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Tragically, there was more show than Will Smith's slap the evening of the Oscars. Whenever Entertainment Tonight columnist Lauren Zima alluded to humorist Tiffany Haddish's dress as a "ensemble," Haddish tried to tell her that it was a uniquely crafted dress and not an outfit. Presently, with the video turning into a web sensation, many are contemplating whether Haddish overcompensated or on the other hand on the off chance that Zima should have been revised. Essentially, Haddish had changed outfits from the dress she wore at the Oscars to a green dress she wore to the Vanity Fair party. Zima inquires as to whether she "did a little outfit change" to which Haddish answers "I'm not wearing an ensemble. I'm wearing Dolce and Gabanna."

The short lived cut, which is extraordinarily abnormal to watch, go on as Haddish makes sense of that "It's called an evening outfit sweetheart… It's custom, thank you." She proceeds "This is what acclaim resembles. This is what achievement resembles. This is what cash resembles." Towards the finish of the video, she says she is "attempting to achieve a ton before fifty. What are you doing?" Many idea that this was Haddish boasting to a correspondent attempting to take care of her business and that Zima, who looked obviously humiliated the total of the clasp, comprehended she misspoke. Others, nonetheless, thought the trade was suitable and that Zima, who has been a correspondent for a couple of years at this point, ought to have referred to allude to it as a dress or outfit. Some were not persuaded, however, as now and again furnishes like these may be alluded to as a "outfit."

Unfortunately, this was not the only awkward encounter Zima had that night. In another video, where she is interviewing Euphoria’s Angus Cloud, he seems to be wanting out of the conversation the entirety of the interview, as he gives her curt answers, usually yes or no, and in general, seems to not want to be interviewed, but Zima continues. At one point after being asked a question, Cloud declines entirely and says “no thank you” in reference to answering a question.

Some, however, felt that this was a usual response from Cloud, who is known to talk slowly and not engage in lengthy conversations. Some, however, felt that Zima should have stopped the interview once she realized he did not want to continue it. One commenter wrote that he was “looking for an exit.” Others felt bad for Zima, noting that she looked like she was having a rough night when it came to interviewing.

Emily Uribe, a force to be reckoned with welcome to the Oscars, said that a many individuals didn't appear to like Zima, as she says that a ton of the clasps from the meeting have many individuals feeling a piece awkward. Others felt awful for Zima, taking note of that she seemed as though she was having a harsh evening, and others hailed her as they said that this was their "most horrendously awful bad dream" with regards to connecting with others, particularly assuming you are a columnist. By and large, there didn't appear to be an overall agreement on Zima and assuming Haddish was blowing up. Since Zima was struggling with numerous meetings, some contemplated whether it was only her character type or the manner in which she talked with that made individuals careful about her, bringing up that Haddish's response was ordinary. Others, in any case, said that she didn't merit that huge of a response with regards to single word about Haddish's dress and that it made for an unbelievably off-kilter second.


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Josephine Asante Darko

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