
January 12th , 2025



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2 years ago


It is possible and common that almost every young man or woman may be battling one issue or the other. Some are concerned about employment whiles others bother about relationships and marriage. One is battling health, meanwhile, the other is intrigued about finances and the future. As they are worried about how to study and pass their exams, the other side is facing the disappointment of post graduate and doctorate applications. The list is endless.

We may all be fighting one battle or the other and we can’t pretend. Just as the challenges and pain may be real to us, what’s more real is the God of possibilities and His word and how He shapes us with trials. Your situation could take a turn around in a split second, yet this immutable God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

We cannot pretend there are no battles or challenges but we are assured of the One who leads and walk with us; knowing that He will never leave nor forsake us neither shall he disappoint us.

You have received the baton as a church militant to defend and proof the Word of God; heaven looks up to you and believe you can do it. DON’T GIVE UP AND MOST IMPORTANTLY DON’T WAVER IN YOUR FAITH IN GOD AND IN HIS WORD. 

If He has said it, then He will do it. This was the confession of men of old who were never an exception or immune to struggles and pain.

Hold on! Hang on! Try again! Hit it once more! Dig again! Rise up! Lift your head high! Face the challenge!


Give yourself continually to the prayer of faith and dwell in your confessions; abide in the word and the fellowship of the Spirit; connect yourself to people of faith and an environment of possibilities; pray for one another, encourage and help one another. 

It is said that, Facing giants is an intimidating experience; doing battle is a lonely experience; trusting God is a stabilizing experience; winning victories is a memorable experience and facing goliath’s is a recurring experience (Chuck Swindoll & Ravi Zacharias)

It is your time to prove the word and stand the test of life. It is your turn to hang on to the baton regardless. It is your turn to write your name in the book of faith.



Papa Dee

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Addae Emmanuel Ohene

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