
March 4th , 2025



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It’s a simple visceral situation where you give and take, you enjoy the chase and we enjoy to run.


I mean how exactly are you going to understand women when sometimes we don’t understand the things we do and want?


While some men get their women once in a while and I mean a while some are completely clueless and find themselves in pitfalls every other day, fights.


But hey all is not lost, if you are in the completely clueless category, we may have a lifeline for you.


Read on and learn some secrets about women you should know:


1. We are always hungry


It will do you no good always asking if we want something to eat. Yes! The answer will always be yes we want food but don’t put us in a position where we have to lie about it.


If you must ask about food, ask about what we would like to have, now that’s a conversation we will gladly indulge.


2. We like bad boys but love decent men


Yes, we may give mixed signals but trust me no girl wants to settle with a guy sagging his trousers to the knees covered in tattoos. The thing is bad boys are hot, always will be but a man yes not a boy is hotter.


Besides a decent guy is good for the optics; with your friends and family.


3. We love sex just as much


The thing about men thinking they are the only canal creatures is an illusion. As women we lust too and wish to get in the sack just as much we are just good at hiding it.


So before calling your girlfriend a prude or thinking they are boring, give some crazy a shot and you might just be shocked.


4. We don’t dress for you


Believe it or not women don’t dress for their men. You will go giving compliments and holding your head high about your woman looking fabulous but that outfit wasn’t for you dear.


She may be silently in competition with someone you have no idea about but chances are she is dressing to please herself, you are merely secondary.

5. The cavewoman exists


The world may be civilized and all but once in a while a woman likes to see her man grow a spine. Take charge and say something! Don’t just stand there and watch another man disrespect me.


This however doesn’t mean you go on a rage and pick on every Dick, Rick and Harry, knowing when to unleash the caveman is key.


6. We don’t like to ask


If your woman has to constantly ask for help with the chores or remind you not forget basic stuff you are on the fast lane to fight city.


A thoughtful man is everything and any woman will tell you their man is caring all because they don’t forget the things that tick them. That simple!


7. We hate surprises


Just because she says she loves your gifts and always compliments your efforts, you think you know your woman? Wrong!


Women hate surprises and chances are they will hate your gifts as well. If you want to gift a woman, your best chance is asking her but If you must surprise her, go through her screenshots. Chances are what she is dying for is in that folder.

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Mark Adu-Kodieh Jnr

Content writer

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