
May 20th , 2024



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Things You Should Never Do Using Public Wi-Fi


Technology is amazing and we've all grown used to being able to connect with the rest of the world at just the touch of our fingertips

When Something is free doesn’t mean it’s safe

The Wi-Fi may be free, but that doesn’t mean your online activities are safe,” says Cheryl Lorei, a senior IT analyst at Erie Insurance who has worked in information security for more than 20 years.

Limit your activity while using public Wi-Fi. When you’re using free Wi-Fi, it’s not a good time to shop online, use social media or access your bank account or email. “You want to avoid visiting websites that save and store your personal passwords or credit card numbers,” says Lorei. “You could blindly make it easy for a hacker to access your personal information. Once they have your password, they will try to reuse it a lot to access other sites to gain more personal information about you.”

 Don’t perform financial or other sensitive transactions, including banking or filing taxes on public Wi-Fi networks.

A,void using any site that requires you to log in with your username or password. You stand at a risk exposing those log-in credentials to criminals.

Don't pay for your purchases! Even on secure websites a hacker could have installed keylogging software in the Wi-Fi network that will capture your private data and then use that data (make purchases using your credit card )

Don't check your own email!

Try to stick to https websites, instead of http. The S in the URL denotes a higher level of encryption.

 Don't share files. Turn off automatic file sharing on your laptop. Your phone or computer shouldn’t be visible to others to link to and transfer files.

Avoid saving passwords and emails to your visiting websites. Stay safe.

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Kingsley Afreh


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