
March 3rd , 2025



2 years ago


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There are many things an unmarried person will do and go away with it, but once you are married, it comes with the repercussion that will hurt your marriage dearly and hurt people in your life. So once married you must not do the following: 1. STOP SPENDING TIME WITH OPPOSITE SEX ALONE : Once you are married you need to stop hanging out with opposite sex. No matter how innocent this may look, it will hurt the one you are married and may even lead you into an illicit relationship that will hurt your marriage. As a rule, avoid opposite sex once married, its a great way to honour your marriage vow and show respect to your spouse 2. STOP FLIRTING: Don’t ever flirt with anybody once married, don’t play with anybody’s emotion, you may not come out of it without hurting somebody. 3. BREAK ALL CONTACTS WITH YOUR EX Break all contact with old boyfriends or girlfriends. You may need to delete some numbers, you may need to unfollow some people on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This show that you are responsible and truly committed to your marriage vow. 4. STOP NIGHT CHATTING Stop night chatting with anybody male or female, if you must do it, it must be with the permission of your spouse and that must be very important and it must not happen often. 5. NEVER REMOVE YOUR WEDDING RING Always put on your wedding ring, it shows you are responsible, committed to your marriage and ready to be faithful. 6. NEVER HIDE THINGS FROM YOUR SPOUSE . You are to be totally open and Vulnerable to your spouse. No secrecy, no darkroom, no hidden agenda. 7. FLEE FROM PORN: Though, porn is bad for everybody, it is worse for a married man or woman to be hook on porn. Porn addiction had destroyed many homes, flee from porn 8. NEVER SPEND UNACCOUNTED TIME WITH OPPOSITE SEX: Infidelity is not just about sleeping with someone else, it begins when you begin to spend time with opposite sex which must not be open to your spouse. 9. FLEE CLUBBING: There is nothing beneficial in clubbing for a married man or woman, no matter your explanation for it, clubbing will hurt your marriage dearly. 10. AVOID ALCOHOL: Flee from alcoholic drinks, it hurts marriage, it encourages sexual infidelity and violence in marriage. 11. AVOID NIGHT CRAWLING : Evening is the family time. Get back to your home in the evening, returning home by midnight and 1:00 am does not show you are responsible; it will hurt your marriage. 12. NEVER HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE ELSE In marriage, you are only permitted to sleep with your wife or husband , you are not permitted to sleep with anybody else. Once you begin to sleep with anybody other than your spouse, it begins to hurt your marriage even if your spouse is not aware of it. You will not fail in Marriage in Jesus name

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