
February 12th , 2025


Felix Brakatu

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Ho Area of the Church of Pentecost, under the apostleship of Dr. Dela Quampah successfully dedicated 4 Community Based Church Buildings (CBCBs) in the month of March 2022.

These separate events took place at Klefe Assembly of Bankoe  District, Kpeleho Assembly of Adaklu Waya District, Matse Assembly of Ziavi Dzogbe District and the English Assembly of Anum Asikuma District.

Speaking at the dedication service in Adaklu Waya District, the Area Head – Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah commended the Church for having made history in the annals of the Church in completing the CBCB grant received with indigenous effort in dedicating the first chapel in the District since its creation some 13 years ago.

In all four Assemblies the Area Head admonished both members and officers to cultivate a good maintenance church so that the edifice would continuously look magnificent in its appearance.

Speaking on the theme “ Living Stone For Spiritual House” with reference from Genesis 28:18-22 and 1 Peter 2:4-5, Pastor David Francis Akayue – the Resident Minister for the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) said, any time we come to worship in such edifices we should be mindful of the truth that, we have come to the living Stone which is more than able to impact life and rekindle the Spirit of God in us and that, man has to be conscious of the presence of God else he/she may miss divine appointment.

He further added that, “we should always be conscious of the fact that when we comes to church, we have come to a living Stone that is able to save and turn us into stones made alive to be built into a spiritual house”

The traditional authorities expressed their appreciation to the Church for putting up such beautiful artifacts as a place of worship in their communities.

Report by Overseer Felix Brakatu


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Felix Brakatu

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