
March 3rd , 2025



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Candidate For Hell

By Elton Nana Amoah


Episode Three (3) - “The Heat” 



The sound echoed, giving off an echoing quack! sound. Which unfortunately, echoed into the outer room. Thinking he was in the clear, Fosu let out a sigh of relief. When suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him. 


William had caught Fosu red handed. In a blinding fit of rage, he pushed Jazzy off him and headed towards the closet. He opened it and found Fosu cowering in his dress socks and boxers. The two men stared at each other’s faces. Fosu was in a panic, whereas William was ready to kill. Without haste, William grabbed Fosu by his shirt in attempts to choke him. Unfortunately for him, Fosu was able to free himself from his grip and quickly dashed out of the bedroom in an attempt to escape. William was right behind him, and he wouldn’t stop until he killed Fosu. 


Jazzy, who was struggling to keep up with the pair, was attempting to stop William from hurting anyone. She followed him and screamed his name over and over. 


“William!! William, baby stop!! Honey, stop it! Please I’m begging you, I can explain! WILLIAM!!! “ Jazzy cried. 


Her slender body was wrapped in a single blanket. It was the only thing that seemed to cover any dignity she had left. 


William was quite fast, as he was able to grab Fosu once again on his way down the staircase. Fosu tried his best to get away from William. In a fit of desperation, he punched William right in his face. The blow was so hard, it ended up pushing William over the railing and down the staircase. 


William’s fall was a great one. His head, which was already injured, hit the tiled floor so hard that he instantly became motionless. 


For a brief moment, the entire area was filled with silence. 


With tears in her eyes, Jazzy looked at Fosu and asked, “What have you done?! Fosu, why would you push him down the stairs?” she cried. 


“Jazzy, I swear I never pushed him! The bastard fell on his own. Besides, he almost killed me!” Fosu blurted out. 


Fosu’s blood ran cold. His heart began to pound fiercely in his chest, and he started to look like a ghost. He was drenched in his own sweat, trying his hardest to breathe before he began to hyperventilate. He briefly checked his watch to see what time it was. 


It was 5:00 AM. His wedding was in a few hours. Yet, here he was, staring into the eyes of a man he feels is dead. 


5:00 AM 


Back in the Devtraco neighborhood, Yaw and the two other groomsmen were getting restless with Fosu’s sudden disappearance. 


“I’m sure Fosu is at it again, with his way of going about with surprises “ Governor said. 


Governor was one of Fosu’s closest friends from high school. They met back in level 200 at Presbyterian Boys' Secondary School in Madina. 


“No. I know him too well, and I sense there is something wrong” Yaw said.


“Yeah, sure you do. I’m sure you know him too well and that’s why he chose you as his best man” Governor retorted. 


“Come on guys, this is not the time to justify who the best man should have been”, Badu interjected. “We need to find Fosu—- and we need to do it quickly.” 


The day Fosu chose his Best Man, he surprised everyone when he selected Yaw rather than Governor, considering the fact that Fosu had been friends with Governor way before he met Yaw. 


Because of this, Governor held a grudge against Yaw. He thought Yaw may have influenced Fosu to make that decision. He was so sure Yaw bribed him. 


“We should probably check the hotel he was talking about the other day”, Badu suggested. Just like any couple in love, it was normal to book a hotel room at a five-star resort in time for the wedding night. In agreement, the groomsmen rushed off to the hotel in search of their friend. 



5:02 AM


Waking up from a brutal panic attack, Enyo arose to a bright light in her face. Alarmed, she  jumped out of bed, only to see that it was the bright lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.


She had not slept because she was nervous about her upcoming wedding. She turned her head towards the clock on her wall to check the time. 5:02 AM. She quickly got out bed and ran towards her best friend, Marie. Marie was her Maid of Honour, who also happened to be passed out on the floor. She had partied hard last night. 


“What a maid of honor, we were supposed to wake up at 4:00 AM!” Enyo said while trying waking Marie up. Enyo slapped Marie’s arm several times to wake her up, but Marie was knocked out cold. 


“Ding Doooong!!!” The sound of the door bell was the only thing that could wake Marie up from her slumber. 


Marie, still feeling groggy from last night, slowly got up to answer the door. Enyo, on the other hand, rushed to take her shower. Yes, she had to make an entrance. However, she did not want to keep her groom waiting at the altar. 


“Who is it?” Enyo asked Marie from the shower. Marie opened the door and saw that it was the makeup artist who had arrived with their kits. 


“It’s the make-up artist, sis!” Marie said aloud. The make-up artist was right on time as expected. Today was going to be a good day—Or so they had hoped. 


5:30 AM


Jazzy and Fosu were in a hot soup. They had laid William on the couch, splashing water on his face with the hope of reviving him. Unfortunately for them, there was no response.


Fosu was extremely scared. He knew deep down he had done a terrible thing. He dared not to go near William’s body, as he did not want to incriminate himself should their attempts to revive him be unsuccessful. While he stood on the sidelines trying to stay calm, Jazzy desperately tried to revive her husband.


“Is he dead?” Fosu asked Jazzy. 


Still trying to revive William, Jazzy looked at Fosu and said, “He is not even breathing.” 


Frantic and weighed down with guilt, Jazzy began mouth to mouth resuscitation.


“This is not good, Fosu!” She said as she gave up on William. When he heard what Jazzy had said, Fosu became restless. 


“This was all your fault!! Why couldn’t you just leave me alone for Christ Sake! I was not even supposed to be here, I was supposed to be with my guys! I was supposed to be getting married to my fiancée! You ruined everything!” Fosu howled. 


Just when things could not get any worse, the door bell rang. Jazzy spied through the window to catch a glimpse of who was there. 


“Oh shit, just what I needed. It’s William’s sisters” Jazzy said. Fosu was seconds away from breaking down. 


“Why are you standing there shaking, help me carry this fool into the room!” Jazzy demanded. 


Using his shirt as a towel, Fosu wiped the perspiration off of his face and hands, and helped Jazzy carry William into the other room. Jazzy looked at Fosu and said, “Stay here. Don’t come out until I tell you, okay?” Quickly, Jazzy ran into the room to put on some clothes. She had to do her best to remain calm until her in-laws left the house. 


 5:47 AM


Yaw, Badu, and Governor were at the hotel where Fosu’s and Enyo’s reception was scheduled to take place. The wedding planner  had already began her job by aiding the hotel staff in setting up the area in time for the wedding reception. 


The Groomsmen scouted around for their friend several times, but to no avail. Governor was feeling uneasy about the whole thing, so much so that he decided to make a call to inquire about their missing friend. 


“Who are you calling by this time?” Badu asked. “I’m calling Enyo. Who knows, maybe Fosu could not wait to see his bride. You know he never believed in those wedding superstitions” Governor replied. 


Having said that, Yaw quickly took the phone away from Governor. 


“Ah Chale, how does your brain function? Ask yourself, does that make sense? You’re not serious!” 


“Huh? Wise man , tell us the next step then. Go on, I’m waiting!” Governor barked.  


“What if he is not there? Then we’ll end up leaving Enyo suspicious” Yaw said.


“So what do we do now?” Badu asked. The guys were in total dismay. They were stranded and confused, for they did not know where to search next. 


“Let’s spread out then. Maybe we may find him at one of his favourite spots” Yaw suggested.


 5:58 AM


Enyo was sitting in front of the mirror as the make-up artist began to work on her face. Marie was also being attended to by another make-up artist. 


“Enyo, it’s your year. Next year, by God’s Grace, you will be the one making me up for my wedding” Marie said. Enyo herself was also a makeup artist, and a very good one at that. 


“Ah, that’s what you said three years ago when you were with that fake London boy,” Enyo laughed. 


“Oh, cut it out! Your wedding is going to open up doors for me. Who knows, I may meet my husband there.” Marie said. 


“It is very okay to have big dreams” Enyo said. This left them both laughing. 


6:07 AM 


Back at William’s residence, William’s sisters had gotten comfortable, and they were waiting for their brother to return. Jazzy had lied to them and said that her husband had gone out  for an early morning jog. 


The sisters turned on the nearby sound system and began dancing around, for it was their birthday. The two sisters always came by to their brother’s home to celebrate their birthdays every year. Usually when they act up this way, Jazzy would have stopped them. However, this time around all she needed was to distract her in-laws without raising suspicions. 


Upstairs, Fosu had placed William’s motionless body on the bed and was pacing back and forth. Though the air conditioner was on, it could not stop Fosu from sweating profusely. 


From where he was hiding, he could hear the loud music coming from the living room where William’s sisters and Jazzy were. 


Jazzy quickly rushed back into the bedroom to join Fosu. “My God, Jazzy. What the hell is going on down there! What the hell are you doing?!” 


“What are you driving me into, what if they find out?! What if they come up here and see him like this?  what if…“ Before he could ask anymore frantic questions, Jazzy slapped Fosu across the face. 


“Stop behaving like a little bitch for crying out loud!” Jazzy said. “Listen, let me figure out a way to get them out of here before things really get out of hand.”


Jazzy went back downstairs to attend to her in-laws, leaving Fosu with William’s lifeless body once again.


6:15 AM


Trying to come up with a plan, Jazzy sat on the couch watching the sisters danced their heart out. She tried her absolute best to remain calm despite the fact that her husband was upstairs lifeless. When suddenly, the younger sister stopped dancing. She turned to Jazzy and begged to see her brother, for she was losing her patience. Jazzy’s attempt to blockade her did not prevail, as she continued to move up the stairs. She was headed in the direction where Jazzy hid both Fosu and William’s comatose body.


To be Continued

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Elton Nana Amoah

Content writer

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