
March 3rd , 2025



2 years ago


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The number of years we have dated is not a guarantee that we will end up marrying each other. But he didn’t understand it. Kofi (not his real name) and I met in SHS. We became friends from Form 1 and by the third term of our first year, we had started dating. He was very intelligent and he did many of my assignments for me. We were together for all three years in the Senior High School. Many of our mates teased us that we should marry after school. I was sure about him and about my feelings for him at that time. Our excitement grew when we both gained admission to the same University.


He was studying Bsc Administration and I was reading psychology. We had a meeting time daily on UG campus and we will sit and make plans for the future. He was the man who deflowered me and opened my eyes to the pleasures of sex. I loved him so much. During our University graduation, we took pictures together. Everyone who knew us on campus were aware we were a couple. I started sleeping over at his place when he got an inner room in one of the traditional halls on campus. We ate together and did a lot of things together. We were living like a married couple and we just needed a priest to bless the marriage and make it official. There was no doubt in my mind at that time.


But people change, people grow up, people experience life in diverse ways. In this case, I changed. He has always loved me. But in my final year, I attended a serminar at KNUST. A bus conveyed us from UG campus to Tech. I sat by an incredibly handsome and charismatic gentleman. Obviously in the course of dating Kofi for over 6 years, I have met men who were better looking than him. But there was something about this guy. He had a lot of knowledge, asked a lot of thought-provoking questions. The way he spoke and articulated his words. I just couldn’t overcome the feeling that was building up in me. During recess, he quickly asked my name and we exchanged contacts. After the event, he took me around campus as it was the first time I had been to KNUST.


I never told the Tech guy I already had a boyfriend. We started chatting every single day, and in just about three months, he proposed to me and I accepted. Kofi and I were still dating and he never even suspected a thing. I was still uncertain of the other guy and I just wanted to make the right choice at the end, so I was dating both of them at one point. During our last vacation at the University, the KNUST guy invited me over to his house. He lived in Accra and it wasn’t a big deal for me to go over. The moment I saw his house, I decided to stick with him. It was one of the most beautiful houses I have ever seen and I wasn’t going to let the opportunity of being with such a rich guy pass me by. You can judge me all you want. We had sex on that day and when I returned home, I called Kofi and told him it was over.


It’s been almost two years since I broke up with Kofi. I am planning my wedding with my rich boyfriend. Our love is genuine and because of him, I have gone to many countries in the world; places I never dreamt I will be. Kofi is a drug addict. His demeanour is emaciated and after National Service, he has remained jobless. Some of my friends blame me for Kofi’s addiction. Others applaude me for making my choice. I still cherish the moments I had with Kofi. He was my first love. But people grow up and people change. I realized he could not provide me with the life I wanted so I made a better choice. Do you blame me?

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