
October 18th , 2024



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*7 Proven Habits That Will Make You a Millionaire* 

Author by Mustapha Nantie April 14, 2022


Everyone wants to be rich , I mean really , really rich but how many have the guts to become self-made millionaires ? The question is who are self-made millionaires ? They are people who have reached higher levels of wealth without the help of any inheritance or trust fund. They built their own wealth . So now let’s dive into 7 surprising habits of these millionaires;




1. They develop a rich mindset


Everyone wants to be rich but how many have rich mindset? To become a millionaire , you need to change the way you think, elevate your thinking and channel your focus on getting abundance. Make sure you throw away that poverty mindset . I recommend you check out this book ” Think and Grow Rich by Nepolean Hill” it will change your mindset on prosperity . Trust me , you can become anything you want to , it just starts with your mindset


Lesson: You can’t be rich thinking poor




2. They create financial plans


Millionaires don’t only have short term plans , they have plans for 10 years , 15 years and long term years . They set ambitious goals ;goals that people think as unimaginable or too stupid to be achieved . Their plans are very challenging and that makes them so different . For financial education , read ; ” Rich Dad Poor Dad ” by Robert Kiyosaki




3. They have multiple streams of income


How much money can you save If you only depend on one source of income ? Think about it . So focus on increasing your sources of income so that you can live that comfortable life you have always wished for . Thomas Corley who spent 5 years studying the habits of 233 wealthy people found out that 65 percent of them has at least 3 sources of income . The lesson here is ; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.




4. Most of them started investing early


How many of us still think that we are too young to invest ? Well, a lot ! Most of us have this mindset of ” I’m too young to invest ” . Millionaires make investments that earn returns in the financial market , they invest in bonds , stocks , real estates , lands and other profitable ventures . In doing this , they take calculated risk and monitor their portfolios.


Note ; A penny saved is a penny earned.




5. They invest in themselves


This is what they do ; they improve their skills and do consistent reading by reading personal development books , financial books etc . Also, they create schedules and take classes that will improve their lives . Nearly 96 percent of millionaires read at least 30 minutes everyday. It’s high time we got to know that education is not only about going to school but it also include what we learn outside school . Investing in yourself will boost your confidence level and increase your self esteem as well as equip you with new knowledge.




6. They take calculated risks


Millionaires take risks but not thoughtless risks . Risk is not a danger free zone but taking calculated risk will give you a higher chance of positive outcome . The lesson here is ; the only real security is having lots of opportunities but risk is the price to pay for opportunities .




7. They choose their friends differently


These millionaires spend their leisure time with people who inspire them. They build power relationships , that is success minded , optimistic relationships . Nearly 90 percent of them devote 30 minutes a day to build rich relationships . The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chances of success . If you want to become a millionaire , then, instead of living a lifestyle inflation, save and invest.

Meet the Author

Mustapha Nantie

Content writer

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