
October 18th , 2024



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2 years ago

1.) The people’s shout of Hosanna, stated the hyperlink between Jesus and the same acclamation they gave to King Solomon when he first rode into Jerusalem as King (1 kings 1:38-40, Matthew? ?21:9)


2.) It was also at the same day in history that Joshua started the invasion of the holy land (Joshua 4:9). As Jesus rode into Jerusalem, He was starting His invasion to move God’s people into their rightful inheritance.


3.) Jesus rode into Jerusalem at the 10th day of Nisan, the day the Jews have been instructed to choose out a spotless lamb to sacrifice for Passover. (Exodus 12:3). The first thing Jesus did after stepping into Jerusalem was to head straight to the temple, cleansed it and drove away those who have been profaning God’s temple. (Matthew 21:12). Tie this action with what He did the very next day, cursing the fig tree that didn’t bear fruit and you’d see the significance. (Mark 11:12-19).


4.) On that “Palm/Passion” Sunday, the Jews didn’t know they have been fulfilling the law to choose a perfect lamb with out blemish as their Passover lamb. John the Baptist had earlier identified Jesus because the lamb of God. On this day, He entered Jerusalem and taught overtly the entire week for the complete assembly to examine His perfection.

5.) He had His Sabbath dinner the night time before with Lazarus, Mary and Martha, 6 days earlier than the Passover (John 12:1-2.) Note, the Jews counted days with first day as day 1. (Dinner on Saturday, day 1, Sunday day 2 Palm Sunday, Monday day 3, Tuesday day 4, Wednesday day 5, Thursday as day 6.) This puts Passover on a Thursday.


6.) The Passover sacrifice, a one day event, and the feast of unleavened bread, a 7 day event, have been later all together called The feast of Unleavened Bread, with the Passover sacrifice occurring an afternoon earlier than the feast started. 


7.) The Passover sacrifice should manifest during the day on the 14th of Nisan (which fell on Thursday the year Jesus was crucified). However, the dinner and the eating of the Passover happens at night time (Exodus 12:6-8, Leviticus? ?23:5-6).


8.) Jesus had His Passover meal on that Thursday night time with His apostles. There, He explained that the bread they have been eating was now His true flesh that would be sacrificed the next day on Friday, and the wine was His true blood that would be poured out on that subsequent day, the first day of unleavened bread. 

9.) As scripture noted, on that Friday, Jesus kept His promise of allowing Himself to be crucified. He died at 3PM. They needed to take down His body from the cross before evening, the beginning of sabbath(Luke 23:54, 56).


10.) He rose on the 3rd day. As the Jews counted, Friday was Day 1, Saturday was day 2, and Sunday was day 3. Hence He rose at the 3rd day, at the banquet of First Fruits.


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Emmanuel Acheampong

Content writer

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