
March 4th , 2025


Bernard Awuah

2 years ago


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On a fairly tranquil Monday night at home, a neighbor's bike cut through the quiet climate and drove close by canines into a condition of frenzy and determined yelping.

The yapping blurred with time, when the bike broke down into a trail wrapped in murkiness. Abruptly, the voice of Black Sherif spilled through the got entryways into the lounge room, where I was sitting and thinking about how the day had gone.

Right when I pondered where the voice was coming from, my significant other strolled in. She was playing Kwaku The Traveler on her cell phone.

"I think Matt will adore this tune," she said. Matt is her more youthful sibling.

She was persuaded the sibling will embrace Sherif's trickster's song of praise without a second thought. She said the tune is an extraordinary piece and anybody with a decent preference for music, shouldn't battle to see the value in its quality.

Ideally, in the event that his sibling, Matt, can stick to the melody, the entire of Dufur, my better half's old neighborhood, should be headed to turning out to be essential for Black Sherif's developing fanbase.

In a future article, I will give a significant measure of ink on Dufur. Allow me just to say cultivating is important for the essence of the local area, and most kids, particularly those I have up to this point experienced, are polite and take care of one another. It's a legitimate affectionate local area whose individuals care for one another.

It is clear similar to MANY different people, Black Sherif's "Kwaku The Traveler" has turned into a favored song of devotion for another type of faction supporters.

The tune is now rounding up a great many perspectives and downloads on most significant music streaming stages. Sherif's exhibition at the 3MUSIC honors, where he was soaked with running water, has been acknowledged by his supporters.

 "Kwaku The Traveler" reflects both the hawkers' difficulty and the individuals who sit in their judgment. It is practically identical to when Christ moved those without transgression to feel free to rush to pass judgment.

Ofcos I screwed up. Who won't ever fuck up
hands up high.
No hands ?
Still I can't accept
You know what I mean
I youthful do you anticipate from me
What will be will be

Yet, I continue onward on more like a drifter
Cos I have no halting time
Might no one at any point stop a man
Goodness I continue onward on more like a drifter
cos I have no halting time
Mightn't no one at any point stop a man

I don't view myself as a clique devotee of Black Sherif, neither do I have an index of his melodies. However, past works have persuaded me regarding his creativity and why his image can go past the "one-hit" wonder popularity.

I love that a youthful artiste has been so acknowledged by the Ghanaian music adoring public, however around the world. Furthermore, assuming that we are to go by reports of how well the melody is doing in a few nations, particularly Nigeria, where the vast majority of our apparently settled artistes battle to have an effect, then, at that point, Sherif needs the help of all to simply not make up the numbers in the music business.

All things considered, with the rising distinction of Black Sherif, the continuous tussle among himself and the administrator over break of agreement, is certifiably not a decent sign.

I don't have the full subtleties of the story, yet something might make a negative difference in the event that it isn't tended to. Aftermaths among supervisors and their artistes are exceptionally normal in showbiz. Reports of administrators griping of being dumped by artistes they have supported from nothing into fame, frequently stand out as truly newsworthy in our sensationalist newspapers.

As someone who once worked in the showbiz business as a columnist, I know a few artistes in the past whose supervisors needed to try and offer their own vehicles to back their collections. These equivalent artistes, when they snatched the features, made two outings abroad and turned into all the rage, spat on the penances of their chiefs and moved onto pastures once more.

They didn't have the respectability to sit with the administrators and illuminate them about their choice; they simply leave as though they had been all alone right from the start.

Distinction can be destructive, while possibly not appropriately made due. In Kwaku The Traveler, Black Sherif concedes to screwing up however that will not dissuade him from moving forward to magnificence. What's more, for whichever objective Sherif believes Kwaku should get to, he should initially guarantee existing debates are settled, so he can travel well without F**KING UP.

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Bernard Awuah

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