
October 18th , 2024



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Please I need to stay anonymous. I am in a university in Accra and my boyfriend always picks me up for lectures in front of my hostel but one day instead of the 2 of us, he pulled up with 3 different guys in his car. One withinside the front seat and withinside the back seat so I got in and sat next to one of the guys.


The guy wrapped his fingers round me and slid his hand into my dress and fondled me.


The next day, my boyfriend showed up with the same guys, once more and again, every day for 3 weeks and one day he told me we will do a road trip which I become excited about.


During the trip, the same guy touched me in ways I wasn't comfortable with and after I stopped him, he subtly told my boyfriend who said it was k and gave him permission to retain so the other guys joined in.


I decided to allow them to have their silly fun for a minute and then told them to knock it off.


We went to this place that was a long way farfar from town and seemed more like a abandoned area. He took some beer out of the boot and gave all of us one and then informed his friends to get out of the car.


We made out for some time then he pulled my shorts and panties off and we had sex. Then I got the surprise of my life. He told me I was going to have sex together along with his buddies too. I told him no.


He told me that it was going to show up whether or not I desired it or not and I asked him why he would let me do that, then he stated that he had told them that I wanted to sleep with them.


He got out of the car and sent the first and second and third to sleep with me. He gave me cash and dropped me off at the hostel. I determined to cut ties with him after that day and he didn't even care.


Three months down the line, I am pregnant and I do not know what to do. I am afraid of abor because it has killed my pal before. It also seems like my boyfriend won't care and neither will his friends.


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Emmanuel Acheampong

Content writer

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