
February 26th , 2025



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2 years ago

Dengue records expanded by 85% this year in the nation, contrasted with a similar period last year. Until the fifteenth, 323,900 plausible instances of the infection were accounted for, a frequency of 151,8 for every 100,000 occupants, says the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, there were 85 passings, 73% more than in 2021. Specialists caution of the development of the Aedes aegypti mosquito through the south of the nation, where the recurrence of the infection used to be lower in view of lower temperatures.

St Nick Catarina had a record of affirmed passings (11), behind just São Paulo (30) and Goiás (11) this year. There are 159 additional passings being scrutinized in Brazil. Up to this point, 26 urban areas in Santa Catarina have proclaimed a pandemic and three - including Florianópolis - , a crisis. City lobbies have gathered volunteers to fortify the battle against Aedes. Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná are likewise among the ten states with the most cases.

"The quantity of cases in the South is extremely high for this season. It is uncommon to have dengue when it begins to chill off", says disease transmission expert Jair Ferreira, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. For his purposes, likely the multiplication of the mosquito was the point at which the temperature was better to him. One more theory is that individuals, stressed over Coronavirus, disregarded homegrown flare-ups of dengue. For disease transmission specialist André Ribas Freitas, from Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic, in Campinas, the new increase in temperatures leans toward the spread of Aedes where before it didn't have as much space, like the South.

In São Paulo, the infection progresses essentially in the north of the state. A city around here, Votuporanga has the most elevated frequency of dengue in the country, with 4,971 cases for each 100,000 occupants. The World Health Organization (WHO) characterizes pandemic transmission when the rate surpasses 300 cases for each 100,000.

The São Paulo Health Department announced that the super preventive measures are to eliminate objects that aggregate water. As indicated by SUS rules, field work to battle the mosquito is basically the obligation of the districts.

"In São Paulo, there are a larger number of cases than last year, yet it isn't as confounded a circumstance as in 2014, 2017 and 2018", says André Ribas Freitas.


Goiás began an organization with the Federal District the week before. In Valparaíso de Goiás, on the edges of Brasília, insect poison launchers and robots were utilized.

"We picked the area for concentrating elevated degrees of vector (mosquito) focus and cases. As the pandemic isn't finished at this point, the development of new infections can overpower wellbeing", says the Superintendent of Health Surveillance of Goiás, Flúvia Amorim.

Until April fifth, the Ministry of Health says it has sent the States 22.5 million larvicidal tablets for water compartments and 2,800 kilos of bug spray for leftover treatment at vital places, for example, tire shops and junkyards. , notwithstanding 97 thousand liters of insect poison answer for use through smoke or shower.

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Nkansah Daniel

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